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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 17:51
Not popped my head in here for a while but so sorry you are all suffering at the moment and struggling with all the things I take so easily for granted. Does the weather affect how bad your symptoms are?
Sending you all my warmest hugs and best wishes. x
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 17:59
Thanks Cally @CallyannaX i feel better in colder weather..makes me feel more alert,and less foggy..and cold eases the aches and inflammation x think it works the opposite way for lots of peeps,who find warmth eases their aches n pains x

Looks like the storm's on its way back..its getting darker,rainier and windier here!
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 18:02
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks Cally @CallyannaX i feel better in colder weather..makes me feel more alert,and less foggy..and cold eases the aches and inflammation x think it works the opposite way for lots of peeps,who find warmth eases their aches n pains x

Looks like the storm's on its way back..its getting darker,rainier and windier here!

We didn't really have much rain last CM so today has been really close and I've felt stifled! Looking into the garden now though the trees are blowing like billyo so a storm could be heading our way tonight. Might help to clear the air!
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 18:06
Didnt you get the crazy rain,thunder and lightning last night Cally@callyanna?
It was mental but sort of exhilarating and exciting too! people round here were running out and dancing in it! Looks like we might have same here tonight..its raining heavily and its gone cooler abd fresher which is lovely. X
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 18:09
CandiceMarie wrote: Didnt you get the crazy rain,thunder and lightning last night Cally@callyanna?
It was mental but sort of exhilarating and exciting too! people round here were running out and dancing in it! Looks like we might have same here tonight..its raining heavily and its gone cooler abd fresher which is lovely. X

No! amazing eh? so near you but we only had a couple of rolls of thunder and some heavy rain for a short time. Friend on the Wirral though said it was horrendous by her!
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 18:55
Yup apparently a lot of damage on Wirral last night
Just been out for a little stroll..its soooo coool and nice and fresh,long as you dont mind getting wet
From the windows of LIPA floated out music,singing and what must have been a tap class!
Lots of life and energy,sounded good but glad i was just passing by! X
Re: fasting and CFS
23 May 2014, 19:34
Finally found my way back here. Not so good at the moment so feeling very discombobulated. How are my buddies doing in this tent?

Bean :confused:
Re: fasting and CFS
23 May 2014, 20:03
Big hugs honey bean xxxx
Not too bad for me today tho my sore heel is killing
Take care beanibobz xxxxx :clover:
Re: fasting and CFS
23 May 2014, 20:31
Just put my head round your door, hoping you start picking up Beanie.
I woke up with pins and needles all down my right arm that still lingers. Not the same as CFS I know, but threw me off the day. I even ate sugar this evening :0@
Tomorrow must be better for us all x
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2014, 17:54
Hi all, I finally made it back!!! had to reset my password 3 times, but i'm here. if I disappear again you will know my computer and the site aren't speaking. :)

so good to see everyone. Candy, I'm sorry you aren't doing well. what's up with the heel thing? know what you mean bout being stuck at home. I'm really a home body, BUT I would like it more if it was by choice. :)
Beany, sorry you are crashed too. I think it's about time for better days!!
CallyAnna, thanks for checking in. I do a bit better in winter as I don't tolerate heat well, of course I don't do cold and wet very well either. LOL.
Azureblue, sorry for the pain and tingling in the arm. do you know what causes it? hope it's much better today.
did I mention that I'm getting checked out for psoriatic arthritis? I have an appt. with the rheumatologist the end of July. the more I read about it, the more I wonder. it would explain a lot of symptoms I'm having more of lately.
my body seems to have found a weight it likes. I'm wobbling between 137 and 138 lbs for weeks now. I had planned to aim for 130 but I'm not terribly upset where I am. just going to continue and see where it leads.
well, off to start supper. sending wishes for great days for us all. Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2014, 18:06
Been on my mind Phyll@MountainMyst good to see you and glad youre happy with yr weight..i wd be beyond thrilled with138 lbs! You're just a little slip of a thing!

Hope you get on ok with the rheumatologist..DD saw one last week..took twelve bloods to do nineteen tests..she has to go back for chest,hands and feet xrays, then back again for results..he thinks she may have rheumatoid arthritis or lupus :confused: and vasculitis :curse: i think all these things including ME/ CFS and yr arthritis come under the umbrella of auto immune illness..
psoriatic arthritis? Does that mean you get a rash along with the pain? Grrrrrrrrrr! Dammit!

My heel thing is called Plantar Facilitis..i call it a nagging toothache of the foot! :lol: think its an overstretched tendon..very common and makes it difficult to get around, specially early morning when you first get up..have to try to hop to the bathroom..not a good thing when you're bursting to pee anyway! :lol:
As if we havent got enough to contend with... Gahhhhh!
Anyway Phyll hope you have a good week,so glad to hear from you xx good luck with yr hosp appt,keep us posted x squishy hugs x
@AzureBlue did the pins n needles go? X
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2014, 18:16
Yes thank you, leaving a sort of ghost of them the next day, now ok. This cold wet weather doesn't do us elders any favours, twinging the arthritic joints nastily.
Ho hum, onwards and, um, onwards :0)
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2014, 18:45
Hehe!AB@AzureBlue onwards and erm,onwards made me smile! :lol:
But yeah painful joints can makeus elders quite grumpy x
Re: fasting and CFS
30 May 2014, 13:45
Hi y'all, I made it back again!!! Candy " a little slip of a thing"?? bless your heart!! I am vertically challenged and thrilled to be below 140 lbs. my daughter is almost 5ft6in, hubby has shrunken down to 6ft2in. so around here I am the little one. :)

I'm so glad you daughter is getting a good workup to see if she can get treated for some of her symptoms, really sorry she needs it. :( I have always wondered if M.E/CFS is a combination of viral and autoimmune. research is beginning to show it may be.

plantar fasciitis is really painful. my Mom had it. hopping to the bathroom with a full bladder?? oh, no, I'd have to mop up the floor for sure.. LOL. sure hope it gets better soon!!

I do have psoriasis, only mild rash though. when I was 13 I had it from my neck down, the guttate (sp?) kind, with the polka dots, not the large masses. now I only have a few smaller areas, mostly on my arms. my brother also has it, and a lot of back and hip pain. our Mom had many symptoms that seem to accompany psoriatic arthritis, but unless she ( like me ) only had small areas that aren't really noticeable, I didn't know she had psoriasis. my Dad did have psoriasis. my doctor told me one time that I picked the wrong parents. LOL. I've been having a lot of pain in my hands and wrists along with stiffness and deformity, so I guess I'll find out in July. I do dread it, have a bit of PTSD when it comes to doctors.

Azureblue, glad the pins and needles have gone. that cool wet weather doesn't do us folks that are 29 again a lot of favors does it ? my brother says getting older isn't for sissies. :) hope you are having a sunny warm pain free day.

Beany, thinking of you today, hope it's a better one.

sending all my fast friends a big squishy hug. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
15 Jun 2014, 21:57
Hi my friends. How is everyone doing? We've had one of those weeks that made Murphy(of Murphy's law fame) look like an optimist. :-). Doing ok with the fasting but basically just maintaining. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.Phyl
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