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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
07 Feb 2015, 11:27
Hi@candiceMarie, you very well could be addicted to wheat apparently there are substances that can trigger withdrawal symptoms. Who knew?? I think fasting helped me with that. Cutting down on fast days and realizing that eating breads etc, made me hungrier, I started eating less, so was able to wean off gradually. So I have few cravings now.
I did make a mistake the night before last, I ate some tater tots that my family had cooked. THEN I read the label, not the correct order. :-) had all kinds of unhealthy stuff in them and yesterday was the first day I've had the munchies. And I gained yesterday!! No more ready made stuff for me.
I can understand you reluctance to try it, it took me a long time to decide. It does seem to be helping my hands, like you, I have a lot of pain in my hands and wrists. Will see how it goes, then you might want to try later. Deidre is waiting until summer when she can eat lots of fresh fruits. Winter has her wanting breads and comfort foods.
Wish you didn't get the poisoned feeling from your meds, glad it doesn't last too long. And that you are seeing some positive results.
Poor Bean, hope she can enjoy her holidays.
Gotta run. Sending you lots of big gentle hugs. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Feb 2015, 08:20
Lovely to hear from you Pyll @MountainMyst. So sorry to hear about your rotten tooth. That must have bean so painful, but well done for "curing" it yourself! Do you find, though, that any new pain like that takes its toll on you? I've just reawakened my bad back monster and bean barely able to walk. As a result there seems to have bean a monster party at which the ME Monster was king. I have felt pretty bad, especially yesterday. The good thing is I'm on holiday and it does wonders for the soul, it really does. The sound of seagulls, the sight of light bouncing along the beautiful sea. It's a real treat!

So you've gone grain-free? So how many food,items have you cut out? I think ?I could cut bread out...but what can you eat instead! We have sandwiches every evening for tea. What could be an alternative?

Candy? How you doing? Any improvements yet? My fingers are getting sore now from being crossed for you all the time.

Take care my little buddies. Marshmallow, soft, fluffy hugs to you both
Bean xxxx
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Feb 2015, 10:31
@nursebeanHope yr bday is going well and youre buzzing round Padstow like a big birthday Bean! X
Hope you will get an ME reprieve day for yr birthday..that would be lovely wdnt it! X
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Feb 2015, 12:05
Hi, @nursebean, Happy Birthday!!! Like Candy said, I hope you have a pain free, energy filled day!! I'm so jealous that you are in Padstow. One day I hope to visit Cornwall.

Yes, I do find that any new pain just seems to make everything worse. Sure hope your back gets better soon! The pain, plus the infection had me laid pretty low for a couple of weeks, but I'm much better now.
I haven't yet found a replacement for sandwiches. There are lots of gluten free breads out there, but they have other grains in them. I have seen some recipes for grainfree breads, but haven't tried making any yet. Going to try out some cookie recipes today. So far the only sandwich type thing I've done is tuna salad, and I just wrapped it in lettuce leaves, it was quite tasty. I have also taking the sandwich ingredients and made them into a salad, and since I make my own dressings, I don't have to worry about those ingredients. So far it hasn't been too difficult.
@candiceMarie, hope you are having a great day.
Sending you both hugs and wishes for a wonderful week!! Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
10 Feb 2015, 17:52
Thanks for the hugs Phyll @MountainMyst. And, hopefully, if you ever visit Padstow, you'll be able to visit the Bean abode...overlooking the Camel Estuary! At least I have a definite dream to aim for ;)
I've bean wondering, whilst suffering here in Padstow with aches, pains and exhaustion, whether Bikram Yoga would help with my symptoms. I don't know what you guys think. Basically you each session is 90 mins and is done in 40 degree heat. The idea is that the heat loosens the muscles so you can achieve poses more easily and it's so hot you sweat buckets and release toxins. It's supposed to be good for various ailments. The sessions are slow and low impact. I'm still researching whether people with ME/CFS have bean cured. I do hope so. Life is passing me by.
Candy? You are very quiet at the moment. Hope you're ok @Candicemarie
Hope the grain-free diet is still helping Phyll.
Sending you both marshmallows xxxx
Re: fasting and CFS
10 Feb 2015, 19:42
I' m still here Beano x

We miss you ..sendin marshy hugs back x x
Re: fasting and CFS
11 Feb 2015, 11:56
Hi@nursebean, I look forward to visiting your home in Padstow, that would be great wouldn't it. When I win the lottery we shall all have a home there.
As for the yoga, I couldn't do it. High temp. Make me really weak and my heart goes crazy. So of course I live in the southern U.S. With summer temps into the upper 90's F. You might want to ask if you can sit in on a class before you commit to taking one. It would loosen the muscles and such, if you can tolerate it.
I understand the life is passing you by feeling, I think it's one of the worst parts of this illness. There is so much we all want to do.
I'm still doing well on the grain free. No miraculous cures, but some improvements. I'll celebrate that.
@CandiceMarie, so good to see you!, I was getting concerned also, but was just hoping you were in a break time and were doing ok.
Sending love and hugs, Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
11 Feb 2015, 13:55
Hi @nursebean i agree with @mountainmyst Ask if you can sit in on a class first and see if you feel its for you
I cant take the heat either Phyl.. makes me feel incredibly unwell and exacerbates my symptoms..
you will always find me in the shade in the summer,so much so i became enormously low in Vit D
Had to go on massive dose vit D for a while,now have to take a big dose once a month

Life passing us by is one of the saddest things about illness isnt it,specially for young folk.
If only we could wave a magic
Re: fasting and CFS
11 Feb 2015, 14:01
Hmm I think you could be right. I never liked hot summer days...and 40 degrees? Might be something to consider when I'm much better. Maybe I'll stick to home yoga in the meantime. At he moment I can't do much without needing a lie-down.
Thanks for your advice my little buddies. Hope you're having a good day so far xxxx
Re: fasting and CFS
11 Feb 2015, 19:15
Frustrating tho isnt it Beano @nursebean & @mountainmyst
What gets stuck in my craw is how we have to factor getting ready and travelling there and back into every equation regarding going out anywhere at any time! So many times i get ready then too exhausted to go...It is Sooooooo Tedious! bahhhhh!
Ok rant over x x gotta count our blessings xx Image
Re: fasting and CFS
13 Feb 2015, 12:11
Hi@nursebean,it is frustrating when you want to try out something new and your body says"think again" :-) are you still on holiday? Hope all is well and your back is feeling much better.
Hi@CandiceMarie, great rant!!! Pretty much describes our lives doesn't it? My rheumy suggested that I go to the pool and swim everyday for my arthritis. Great plan, except for the fact that I wouldn't be able to do anything else. If I can clean the house a little, cook supper AND wash dishes after, I'm having a great day. Given the choice of feeding my family or going for a swim, well, you know which I'm going to opt for.
Speaking of feeding my family, it's hubby's birthday, and I best get started on the prep. He wants Apple pie( not much on cake) and I need to get the pastry done. Wishing you a wonderful day. Love, Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
13 Feb 2015, 13:01
Ohhhh Happy Birthday Mr@mountainMyst!
Have a wonderful day and enjoy that apple pie...mmm yummy! X
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Re: fasting and CFS
14 Feb 2015, 09:07
Oooh Mr @Mountainmyst had the same birthday as my mum! And also Mr Peter Gabriel!!
Well, Bean is back...and she's not happy. Wish I could have stayed in Padstow! Image
My back is still playing up a bit but at least I can walk reasonably straight!
Good rant there Candy @Candicemarie Couldn't agree more
So, how are you two doing today? Any news?
Re: fasting and CFS
14 Feb 2015, 09:32
No news @nursebean but its good to see you x
I do hope your poor back gets back to normal very soon x
Re: fasting and CFS
14 Feb 2015, 12:47
Hi@CandiceMarie, @nursebean, hope your weekend is off to a great start. Dexter says thanks for the birthday wishes. Belated happy birthday to Mamabean. :-)
Sorry your hols are over and your back is still hurting, Beany.
I'm like Candy, no real news here, except we are preparing for some really cold weather, and snow!! Folks around here go crazy when snow is predicted. Everyone rushes to get in the shopping etc. the stores always run out of milk and bread, but as we make our own bread, and I'm not eating it, we are all set. :-) not looking forward to -4degrees Fahrenheit though.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Hugs , Phyl
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