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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
12 Apr 2015, 16:13
Don't overdo it Phyl..i know its tempting but just enjoy not having as much back pain! Do a bit and rest/ enjoy a bit! :like:
Yes it WAS lovely in the cathedral..and my friend was so grateful i stood in for her..and it was lovely to meet her DD and hug her DD and give her another hug to take back for her Mum! X
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Apr 2015, 16:41
Well done Candy, for the trip to the cathedrale AND chatting with your friend. The poor thing. What a terribly time she's had of it. How is she doing?
Phyl @MountainMyst? It sounds as though you've really done well going grain-free. I don't know that I can take on anything like that at the moment. Just taking a day at a time at the moment. I'm discovering (slowly) that some of my listings on eBay have disappeared (no wonder they're not selling!) so its going to be a hell of a job trying to re-list them as well as try and find out about affiliate marketing and how to make loads of money online so that I can realise my dream of a house by the sea...before I'm old!!
How you do diddling today?
Beanie hugs xxxx
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Apr 2015, 17:08
Oh Bean so sorry about yr listings disappearing! What are ebay doing to fix that?
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Apr 2015, 19:37
Sadly, it's not a mistake. I think they have a new policy and old listings that haven't sold just get removed. What a load of extra work, eh. Boo hoo!
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Apr 2015, 20:42
Oh no Bean that sucks!
Re: fasting and CFS
13 Apr 2015, 08:16
It really does suck...all that hard work and I can't even save it...doh!
Anyway, wishing my little buddies a great Monday. Its a shame its a fast (I may have trouble today) but shouldn't grumble.
Back to work for me :sleepy: :starving:
Re: fasting and CFS
13 Apr 2015, 10:38
Hi@CandiceMarie, Candy, so glad you had a good visit with your friends daughter. How are you doing today?
@nursebean , hi Beany, so sorry about the listing and all that work to be done again. That stinks!! As for the grainfree, I do believe it is helping me, but you definitely need to be ready before you try it. A high stress, lots to do, "oh, not one more thing" time is not the time to try it. :-) fasting is quite enough at the moment. I just want to share anything that seems to be helping. Like you say, one thing at a time. And right now you need to do your fasting(and if you can't one day, it's ok) and concentrate on getting the business going and making your fortune.
Deidre and I have a busy day planned if we can manage it. Going shopping. Several stops planned, but will have to see how we feel. She had a bad day yesterday so don't know what today holds. Good luck with you fasts . Sending love and hugs. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
13 Apr 2015, 11:24
Oh golly Phyl and Deidre! Enjoy yr shopping and like you say,lots of breaks along the way and - most important - STOP and get home while you STILL feel ok ish. X thinking of you both.
Bean, hope day goes ok x if Ebaying take it slow
I have to post an Ebay sale item..was annoyed ( cos so long since i put something up for auction ) that Paypal had taken their little cut..had forgotten about that! Doh! x
Re: fasting and CFS
14 Apr 2015, 07:31
Yes PayPal is a pain at times isn't it :(
So Phyl? Did you and Deidre manage to go shopping? I do hope so xx
As for me, I had a pretty good day yesterday. I managed to sort out new stock, photograph them and even walk the girls. Of course the rest of the day I spent on the sofa...but it was good while it lasted!
Wishing you both a sunny day
Beany hugs coming your way xx
Re: fasting and CFS
14 Apr 2015, 07:35
Howdy pardners..hope the shopping went well Phyl
If so,looks like we all had a more normal day y'day..whoooo hooo us!
I got weighed at DDs yesterday..have lost one pound and a quarter so far in April..and that was midafternoon,fully dressed,so if had weighed first thing that morning,who knows what those scales may have said! They were nice friendly scales yesterday !
XX take care folks XX
Re: fasting and CFS
14 Apr 2015, 16:15
Hello my friends! @CandiceMarie, great job on losing a pound and a quarter!!! That is terrific, I'll bet a morning weigh in would have been ever greater!
@nursebean, good for you getting a little trip outside, and getting some things online!!
Deidre and I did get the shopping trip in. I bought some new knickers as the old ones were sagging. :-) and I got a new blouse/t shirt. Now I just need to find some trousers and skirts. We had a good time aren't too exhausted today. Fast day here, so a light supper, not too much cooking. Deidre has had a week of gaining, not a lot but it is so disappointing for her. I'm hoping today's fast will get things started the other way again.
Sending my love and big hugs your way. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
15 Apr 2015, 03:49
Oh dear, saggy knickers never did anyone any favours!! :shock: So glad you two managed to go shopping. That must have bean just a wonderful time for you both. So glad you had a good day...long may it last!
As for Candy...there's just no stopping you is there! The weight is just flying off. Well done indeed!
Yesterday was so frustrating because I actually had some energy...but the computer wouldn't work. Everything was SO slow and Apple have messed around with iPhoto which is just awful now. Why can't they just leave things alone eh? It was working perfectly well before. It didn't need any updates...doh!

Anyway, I hope today's fast goes quickly...and painlessly. Are either of you joining me today?
Beany hugs xx
Re: fasting and CFS
15 Apr 2015, 06:36
Good morning! Well done on the shopping trip MM and Bean, happy fasting..
I wont be joining you as my last B2B was this week's fasts..but i have it in my head to do some sorta fruit,veg,nuts detox later in the week....
Phyl,tell Deidre its justa blip and she will lose next time..and dont forget,inch loss can show up on the tape measure when the scales arent being kind
Good news for me and the undeactive thyroid is working a little better!
Doc says since starting ver 4 months ago,the thyroid's producing more thyroxine and not needing to work as hard to do so! X i just wish i felt better for it!
Ps phyl,the saggy knickers show youre losing weight! :like: x
Re: fasting and CFS
17 Apr 2015, 10:53
Hi my friends! @nursebean, hope you are having another higher energy day today and that your computer will be working properly. How did the fast day go?
@CandiceMarie, such good news about your thyroid!! Hopefully the energy levels will be climbing soon also. I am celebrating saggy knickers. :-) they haven't been fitting well for a while and it was just getting ridiculous. :-)
I took my elderly neighbor out to celebrate her birthday. We went to lunch and checked out the charity shop. Did too much and with two days out this week I am seriously knackered!!
One great thing though, when I got dressed to go out. I walked into the living room in my new jeans and top. My hubby looked up and said"wow, you are getting skinny aren't you?" :-) well that made me seriously happy!!! I guess after a winter of seeing me in long underwear, and sweats he hadn't really payed attention.
Deidre is doing better, has losr the pound she gained, so is feeling more encouraged. She said she doesn't mind gaining if she know why, like she ate a lot of something not so healthy, but hates when it just happens. :-) I think we can all relate to that.
Sending love and big hugs. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
17 Apr 2015, 21:18
Oh Phyl @MountainMyst what a wonderful compliment, eh! That must have given you such a great boost! It seems even better when you get compliments from men because you know it's genuine!
It seems we're all doing quite well at the moment. Long may it last!
Take care my little buddies
Bean xx
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