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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
12 May 2015, 16:49
Hi Phyl & Bean @mountainmyst and @nursebean
Did you know its ME Awareness Day today? I havent seen any mention in the news...i' m not on Facebook so i dont know if its mentioned much on there
Anyway girls its our Special Day! Woohoo :lol: arent we lucky !
My friend sent me a 2 min vid that focuses on just one ME exertional malaise..i know she put it on FB too so i' m grateful..i'll put the link tho of course,we dont need to watch,we know only too well!
Had a good day,bean to help Beau choose blinds then we had a home in my pyjamas at 17.45 but happy and excited after a nice afternoon out in warm breezy sunshine x
Hope good day for you two too! X
Re: fasting and CFS
13 May 2015, 16:56
Hi girlies! I didn't realise it was awareness day yesterday...fat lot of good that does! I'm in the danger zone and I know it. Like you, Phyllis, I have felt relatively normal the last few days and so have bean making up for lost time. I managed to do a car boot (unheard of) without any worries. It's taken me until today to get all the stuff back in its rightful place. There was so much of it and then on Monday we had a huge order. Oh boy! It's tough finding room ;)
Hope Deidre wasn't too upset about the cat...or did you decide not to tell her? I wouldn't want to know :(
Well I've babbled on. Look forward to hearing how you two are diddling xx
Re: fasting and CFS
15 May 2015, 13:32
Hi @CandiceMarie, @nursebean, hope your day is going well.
Candy, so glad you managed a fun day out with your beau. It really helps to get out, even if we pay a price for it. I actually did remember awareness day, but mostly because I saw something on Facebook. :-) since I don't watch T.v. Or read the papers, I'm not sure how much coverage it received here, not much I expect. Hopefully by next appreciation day, we will have some answers, and treatments.
Beany, I did finally tell Deidre because I knew she would be looking for him. He almost always greeted us when we took food out. She was upset, but not as bad as I feared. Just renewed our resolve to win over the others and bring them in( much to hubby's dismay) one of the kitties I had hoped was a boy, just had 4 kittens!!! They are beautiful and I have found a home for them if we can catch them( when they get a bit older, Mama is very skittish) I am in serious danger of becoming a crazy cat lady. :-)
So glad you haven't suffered too much ill effects from your car boot sale and big order. That is fabulous!! Deidre and I went to the grocery store yesterday. She is having some major issues with allergies and the heat already this year. We are planning ways to manage outings in future.
Wishing you both a wonderful day and great weekend. Hugs, Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
23 May 2015, 16:29
Hey how are my chronic cronies today!
I' m ok( ish) but wishing i could do more,specially asaBank Hol weekend and quite a lot going on
Still,am grateful as has bean a lot worse! I' m fortunateto have made some recovery over the years and i' m optimistic there could be more to come for us all :like:
Hope you both ok @nursebean & @mountainmyst and Deidre and Mr MM x
Any news? What have you two little minxes bean getting up to?
Tiger Ted our little kitkat is less wobbly now on his paws! He looks marvellous coz he's been getting the best of foods and benefitting from the cage rest. ( wish we could say the same!) :lol:
Hugs all round xxx
Re: fasting and CFS
23 May 2015, 23:18
Just finished watching Eurovision! Don't know why I bother really because nobody votes for us...and I thought our song was pretty good!
Anyway, sounds as though you're not too bad at the moment Candy. It can only get better now surely. Here's hoping eh.
I haven't bean too bad lately. Don't know whether I feel better when I don't fast or not. My aches are not good but I definitely have more energy...long may it last ;)
How are you both doing this sunny(ish) weekend?
Re: fasting and CFS
24 May 2015, 00:16
I liked our song too Beano tho i didnt watch,just heard our song on the radio
Hope you get a good sleep Night nighht xx Image
Re: fasting and CFS
25 May 2015, 11:05
Hi@CandiceMarie, glad you are feeling ok(ish). :-) and that your kitty is doing better, sounds like the cage rest is a good thing. Maybe that's our problem, we have been resting but left off the cage part. ;-) hope you get to enjoy a bit of fun today!
beany@nursebean, glad you are having a little more energy. Hope it lasts. We are pretty much skipping fasting at the moment. Deidre isn't doing well, and doesn't need the stress. Our allergies are playing up rather badly and she's having the abdominal pain again from the histamine reaction. So we will just hope to maintain closely and get through the spring.
I am spending a lot of time just trying to keep the house clean(and failing badly) . I am going to be spending less time online for a bit to see if I can get more done, and the more I do physically, the less I can do mentally. So of I'm not here often, don't worry I'm just cleaning. :-) I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts even if I'm not posting. Love and hugs, Phyl:-)
Re: fasting and CFS
25 May 2015, 21:38
Take care Phyl@mountainmyst and family x see you back at the ranch whenever you feel up to it.
Will be thinking of you x fingers crossed for you all x
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2015, 10:05
Oh dear! It seems all three of us have hit a fasting plateau. Oh well, at least we can stay in touch, even if its not on a daily basis!
The weather here today is boiling! I'm very up and down at the moment so trying to do what I can. Maybe we'll all improve if we give fasting a break. I don't be honest I don't think it really makes much difference!
Bean hugs and love to you both xx
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2015, 19:03
Hi girlies x
Beano,After twenty one months or so of fasting, i have to say it hasnt helped my ME symptoms at all..but still am hopeful fasting may ward off dementia and strokes etc in the longterm x
Just Dont seem capable of fasting right now but trying hard to keep the cal count down xx!
Re: fasting and CFS
27 May 2015, 19:24
Hello lovely beings! I have watched your journey, in a good way :wink: . Fasting can and does produce good/great results for SOME people. Love this piece of fasting history ... arpers.pdf I hope it gives you faith. Love Lizxx
Re: fasting and CFS
28 May 2015, 14:43
Hiii @lizbean ...flippin heck re the length of those fasts! And double flippin heck re how quickly the weight went back up!
hopeful news for epileptics,tho,and also,interestingabout the lower backpain..have never heard that mentioned here as aside effect,maybe only for long long fasters like those in this story.
I do feel sorryfor the poor rats and mice tho..i ' m frightened of rodents but dont like to think of any animal suffering,even when its for a reason that benefits humans :confused:
Thanks for posting :like: and for taking an interest in us here in the CFS tent - we dont get many visitorsbut the kettle is always on...xx
Re: fasting and CFS
28 May 2015, 18:33
I love the words "the kettle is always on" ;)
I too hate animal experiments. Poor little souls :(
As for fasting, it seems to work well for men. Moseley still looks good on it and George Osborne. Wish it would work that well for me. Hey ho!
One day I'll get back on it I'm sure.
How everyone else is doing well xx
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Jun 2015, 11:07
Hello@nursebean,@CandiceMarie, oh my goodness, I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted. Life has just run me over of late! How are you doing? I hope that things are looking up.
We are doing ok here. Deidre is having a really hard time with the heat this year, struggling to do anything without the heart racing and the weakness and swelling. She has joined me on my grainfree experiment and so far is doing well with it. Seems to be helping with the digestive issues she is prone to having. She hasn't lost a lot of weight, but has lost close to 3 inches in her waist in just under a month!!:-)
I am maintaining my weight loss with no difficulty, staying between 125 and 127 lbs, never, ever thought I would see those numbers again.:-)
Beany, how are you feeling, how is the business going? Still trying the ADF? Sending you a huge hug and wishes for wonderful things.
Candy, how are you doing with the LDN? Are you seeing improvement? Are you getting out with your fella much? Hope the family is well. Sending you a huge hug also and hope things are improving for you!
I promise to try and get back more often. I'm spending most of my days just trying to accomplish something and get us further along our journey to selling this house and finding home. I think of you daily and send all my love!! Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Jun 2015, 11:25
Good to see you @mountainmyst! Bean thinkin of you x
I feel for Deidre,i cant take heat at all..its not even warm here today but my joints are hot and achy..i really need to try to give the grainfree a go
But how marvellous about her 3 inch losss from her waist! And for you maintaining :like: how is hubs?
I'm catsitting this weekend,just taking it quietly as a bit grotty...Beau has a busy weekend..he's working today and its Fathers Day tomorrow so his DDs will be making a fuss of him
Beans gone on holiday today..her sister & children are over from Canada and theyre all going to the Isle of Wight
Me and Bean joined Slimmers World in desperation as werent doing well fasting..we've lost nine pounds between us in 2 weeks,so it was a good move i think tho we both reluctant to pay multinational companies any money! Its got us moving downwards and given us a kick up the butt!
Lovely to hear from you Phyll xx big hugs from me to you xx!
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