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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
29 Apr 2015, 14:03
Hi @marybethnx welcome to our little hideout x
Lovely to see you here but very sorry to hear about yr dear DIL
Give her our love wont you
I love the sound of that talking dog! X
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Apr 2015, 22:23
Hi@Marybeth, so glad you joined us. Really sorry to hear about your D.I.L. So good of you to check out the experiences of others dealing with those illness. Maybe we can help. Please give her our love.
I have actually read a couple of those books, LOVE the puppy, although I do worry about him. Thanks for the reminder, I will have to look for those again. Hope you will drop in again and say Hi. Hugs, Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
30 Apr 2015, 00:22
Hi @CandiceMarie and @MountainMyst Thanks for your good wishes and love to my DIL. I will tell her.

Yes, MM, Chet does get himself into trouble!! If you can get the audiobooks, they're great fun.

Best, mb
Re: fasting and CFS
02 May 2015, 10:47
Hi @Marybeth, ooh, I bet the audio books would be fun. :-) have a great weekend,Phyl
Hi@nursebean,@CandiceMarie, how goes it? I have had an interesting week. Weight up and down, ate out the other day and I think there was a hidden ingredient that my body didn't like. I have felt really bad, plus it's the middle of allergy season. Sniffle, sniffle. :-)
Hope you both have a great weekend. Hugs to all, Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
02 May 2015, 10:58
Oh gosh MM so sorry something has disagreed with you ..spoiling your eating out experience..and hayfever as well? :confused:
Feeling pretty dreadful today too..think coz i had the temerity to go out Thurs AND Friday and even planned to go out today too..silly me,hey ho
Bean had a restless night so i guess all three of us are having a Satday that Sucks
It must be very early Satday on the mountain,Phyl?
Big hugs to both of you xx
Re: fasting and CFS
03 May 2015, 21:10
Hi @Marybeth nice to see you in here although I'm sorry for your poor DIL. You sound like a wonderful MIL xx hmm a talking dog eh! I've got two of those ;)
MM sorry to hear you've bean a bit rough and allergies as well? Miserable. Oh and poor Candy, you sound as though you have overdone it. What a little trio we are eh?
On a positive note I've had a better couple of days. It's just knowing that the beast is always lurking just around the corner. Scary stuff!
Mm? Your books sound similar to Agatha Raisin. Are they funny or good mysteries?
Hope you're having a good weekend
Beany hugs xx
Re: fasting and CFS
09 May 2015, 11:17
Hi@CandiceMarie, @nursebean, I'm so sorry it has been so long since I posted. It was not a good week! Trying not to get discouraged because the increase in energy I had is no more. :-( still the joint pain and stiffness remains better, so I'm still ahead of where I was. :-)
Candy I hope you are feeling better after being punished for having a couple of days out! Yes it was pretty early on the mountain :-) . My built in alarm clock is very determined that I not stay in bed too long. Everything starts to ache if I do, plus my kitties think if it's getting lighter outside, I should be up. :-) hope your day is going well.
Beany, glad you had a few better days. The books I like are a little funny in that the characters are funny and usually quirky, and they are good mysteries too. I can't do too much serious stuff, all dark and scary. I'm a whimp. :-)
Big family party today to celebrate my aunt and uncles 80th birthdays. They are my Mom's youngest siblings, and Twins that were born when my Grandmother was 40. My oldest uncle who was in his twenties said when number 8 and 9 were born, "my God, they are coming in pairs now"!!! :-) the party is in the late afternoon, it's about a thirty mile drive and I'm not feeling too well today. So please keep your fingers crossed for me. I really want to see them, they have both been really sick and I may not get another chance.
Sending wishes for a great weekend!! Love, Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
09 May 2015, 13:18
Dear phyl@mountainmyst i so wish you felt better for the party,would make all the difference in the world wdnt it
Today I' d love to have one of my " good old days" Satdays,browsing the shops,having a coffee,bringing something nice home for dinner. However i seem to have used up the day's' oomph' just talking to a neighbour who fell over the other day and ended up overnight in hospital.
That remark about coming in pairs is very funny! And is one of those comments that goes down in family history.
Apparently my Uncle when they moved house ( he was a bachelor in his thirties,still at home with Dad and Mum) complained,Why do we have to always be moving! In fact,they never had before!
I' m glad they did tho coz it meant i had a lovely bachelor uncle and maiden aunt living across the road from us..they were colourful characters and added so much to my childhood.
I do hope the party goes well Phyl x got fingers,legs and eyes crossed for you x give them a hug from us in the uk x perhaps you can slip away early ? XX
Re: fasting and CFS
10 May 2015, 13:24
How did it go Phyl @mountainmyst? Hope you enjoyed it and dont feel too bad today
I was supposed to be going out for Sunday lunch with Beau today but have had to cancel.
Not much fun for him or me :confused: so fed up today x x
How you Beanybobz @nursebean? X
Re: fasting and CFS
10 May 2015, 13:52
Hi @CandiceMarie, the party went well. Lots and lots of people!! It was crowded and noisy,and fun. But, that kind of atmosphere gets to our nervous system in a hurry. I expect Deidre will not be doing well at all today as it was more difficult for her. She gets overloaded very quickly, plus there were lots of people she doesn't really know. We are a very large family, my Mom had eight siblings and most of them had large families.
I'm so glad we were able to go. My aunt is very frail and I probably won't get to see her again as she lives 2 1/2 hrs away. I spent the day telling everyone about 5/2 and grainfree diet as they were all excited about my weight loss. Most of my family are little short round people like me. :-) and women especially are always dieting, or taking some diet pill or other.
I loved hearing about your aunt and uncle. They sound like characters. :-) we spent a couple of hours visiting with my brother, he is our family character(well, besides me:-)) we both have this slightly warped sense of humor.
I had the sad task of burying one of the kitties I have been feeding. I had hoped to be able to adopt him, and was getting closer to winning him over. Sadly he was hit by a car sometime last night. Thankfully I found him before Deidre got up. Now I'm waiting to see how she is doing before I tell her. Today is Mothers Day here and I hate to mar it for her, she had big plans to do a special meal and a happy day. I may wait until tomorrow to break the news.
Sorry to be a gloomy person on a day when you are already feeling lousy. I'm so sorry you had to cancel your day out. That just plain stinks!! I hope you feel better really soon and get to spend some time with your fella. Hugs, Phyl
Hi@nursebean, just wanted to send you a hug this morning and wishes for a great day. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
10 May 2015, 15:12
Happy Moms Day Phyl! I hope Dd feels well enough to spoil you today liek she wants to x
Glad the family get together went well and so pleased your weight loss was noticed!

I always get drained so quickly in company i now have to avoid it and stick to mainly One to One meetings.
You describing how that atmosphere gets to our nervous systems quickly and overloads us really helped me.
Nobody seems to really ' get' it when i explain that despite being a people person, i cant be in company for long without totally wilting.

Thats sad news about the least you made one little life happier for its short span x
Now put yr feet up and get thoroughly spolit and pampered Ms MM! X
Re: fasting and CFS
10 May 2015, 21:39
Howdy! Hugs to you both. So sad about the kittie. Had a similar sadness today: Minnie found one of our baby blackbirds that we've bean watching dead. I think next door's cat got it. How sad. Hope Min didn't kill it, I'm sure she didn't.
Did car boot today and felt good to be alive. I'm waiting for it to catch up but will enjoy this while I can.
Sorry your day hasn't bean too good Candy. Tomorrow will be better I'm sure xx
Hugs to you both xx
Re: fasting and CFS
11 May 2015, 11:09
Hi @CandiceMarie,@nursebean, sending you both a big hug on this Monday! Candy, as someone who used to love big noisy family get togethers, it is quite an adjustment. I do much better in very small groups also. Hope your Monday is off to a better start.
Beany, hope your car boot went well and you aren't paying too high a price today. So sorry about the birdie, we have that situation around here sometimes with so many cats running around.
I think one reason I felt so bad last week was that for the first time in years I felt almost normal and tried to make up for twenty years in a couple of weeks. :-) I will be more careful when I feel better next time(I hope) there is so much we all want to do, it's hard to not try if we feel the least bit better.
I had a lovely day yesterday. Dexter made a nice supper, Deidre gave me lots of hugs, we played board games for quite a while. I decided to wait until today to tell Deidre about the kitty, so she didn't have the day spoiled.
Gotta run, need to make myself a cuppa and get Hubby's coffee going. Love you, my friends. Phyl
Re: fasting and CFS
11 May 2015, 22:16
So glad you enjoyed Moms day Phyl x x

Oh that temptation to do a lot when we feel well! It cannot be resisted!
When i get like that, i totally forget all the symptoms and feel convinced ive got better! Until of course the crash comes.
Oh well girls one day,one day,maybe we' ll all be well again and will look back and laugh! XX
Re: fasting and CFS
12 May 2015, 15:50
Hi@CandiceMarie, I do hope we will all be able to look back and laugh. There is a lot of promising research going on, despite the pitiful funding. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hope your day is going well. I am feeling a bit better thankfully, and you are right, it's so easy to think we are on the mend, then crash.
Wishing you and our buddy Beany a great day. Hugs, Phyl
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