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Member #64 checking in. After 2.8lb gain last week I am back down 1.4 lb this week. Not back to christmas target so don't really deserve my green status. I managed a full fast ( exceot for some tasting as I was cooking for a party ) and a 16:8 last week. Back to normal routine this week.I've done better this christmas than last. Maybe next christmas I'll manage not to put any on!
:heart: #105 no change on my Friday weigh-in
Will update on Friday after today's fast plus another 2 to try to kick my 1kg gain away :heart:
My first fast day today since before Christmas so I won't be posting until tomorrow.
I might do the official update next Monday. as it seems many need more fast days after Christmas. If you have gone green and then gone above target your green status wont be removed. As I have a strong belief that if you are still following the principles of 5:2 then you will get back down to target in little time, and certainly by end of this month. I doubt anyone has gone 2kg or more over pre Christmas weight unless youve been non stop on Christmas buiscuits, pudding, cakes, hams etc.
#63 checking in . I'm still above my Christmas club start weight, but its firmly on the way down now :grin:

Optimistic I can make my 63.5kg target by 31/1/14 - this mornings weight was 65.9kg .
119 checking in. My weight today is 9st 6.75lb which means that since joining the Xmas club I have lost 1.75lb.
0.84kg weight gain prevented since maintaining on 28th November.
Number 80 calling in Juliana. Today I weighed 59.3k and going down. Thank you for hosting the Christmas club I was really pleased I joined as it gave me focus back in October to shed the pounds. I reached my target just before Christmas, but that was quite hard towards the end with Christmas looming.
I started the Valentine's club because I didn't want the impetus to stop and to give a little back to the forum for all the help that I had had. I hope that some brave soul will come forward and host another challenge for Easter or the summer hols!??? I loved the idea of a challenge. Thank you again @Juliana.Rivers :heart:
Member no. 11 checking after a good fast at 70.4 kgs, not too shabby.
#8 here...just got back down to my pre-Christmas weight, so no extra to add to your total from me!
Auriga wrote: Number 80 calling in Juliana. Today I weighed 59.3k and going down. Thank you for hosting the Christmas club I was really pleased I joined as it gave me focus back in October to shed the pounds. I reached my target just before Christmas, but that was quite hard towards the end with Christmas looming.
I started the Valentine's club because I didn't want the impetus to stop and to give a little back to the forum for all the help that I had had. I hope that some brave soul will come forward and host another challenge for Easter or the summer hols!??? I loved the idea of a challenge. Thank you again @Juliana.Rivers :heart:

thank you for your post.

there will always be a reason for a challenge on the site and sometimes there will be concurrent ones.

Interesting, i never thought of the word challenge once during the running of the Christmas club. but its a good term.

must admit i wasnt expecting 150 members when i started it so tallying was a bit of a big job but i have my trusty spreadsheet with lotsa columns

i think the club has got people here aware of the Signature which follows them on the forum which is good.

and having little small achievable goals, in their journey to some ultimate "best" weight or BMI is great. small steps.

regarding my own weight i had an amazing meal at a Thai restaurant followed by iced coffee and a slab of Italian tiramisu so i wasnt half surprised to see 71.0 on the scales. strong fast day for me today as well as Friday and Sunday so i hope to get to the low 70's again. i cant possibly "fail" at my pre Christmas goal by 31st Jan. Ill have to totally not eat for 3 days beforehand.. kidding and in any case its a Libra trend weight so that wont work!
Member 29 back again to report I've done it! I can officially go green! Thanks @Juliana.Rivers for this, it really motivated me especially over the Christmas period :wink: I managed to lose 3.6lb this week, probably because I fasted properly this week :lol:
:heart: Wow well done @Chickvic wish I new your secret.

Sorry @Juliana.Rivers Haven't made my xmas goal and that on it's own would be OK but to report another 1kg gain
well I'm not only shocked by this but so disappointed feeling like sh** now I've got on the scales, can't see me making the valentine challenge :shock: socks up time :shock:

EDIT::: So Sorry I've just filled in my tracker and because of my xmas gain my gain this week is 200grams so not as bad as first thought but still bit of a shock as did back2back fasts which obviously weren't "true 500cals "
Many thanks for all your hard work and sorry to have let the side down. Sue x
Yeehaaaaa 69.9 kgs today for member no. 11, rather pleased with my progress this year, fingers crossed the weekend doesn't drag me back :0)
Member 88 touching base. Juliana you show on listing that I lost 9.5kg! That is unfortunately incorrect because I think it was 5.5lbs! After Christmas I changed my signature because of joining the Valentines Challenge & lost my record. I didn't realise you were continuing & extending the Christmas Challenge . I will look again at my progress chart & check out what weight I was then & now. Sorry for any confusion.
Update! I gained 4lbs over Christmas & last week lost 3lbs. So I am still 1lb over my weight on 21/12/13. So my new goal for 31/01/14 is to weigh 12st 12 lbs that will mean I have lost a total of 3 stone since 01/01/13.
I've been keeping an eye on this thread but have promised to give myself until next Friday to weigh in. I've gained half an inch on the waist so I have a strong feeling the news won't be good, so I'm not very optimistic about reaching my 11.6 goal by end of month but if not then, then it will come eventually!

Thanks again Juliana for organising this, must have been a mammoth task - the numbers are impressive though! :like: :like: :heart:
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