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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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I have briefly experimented with HIT using the cross trainer, count me in would love to take it further.
Wow, love your graph! Shows it so well - I might have to get one of those!!
Okay, try again! I think I hit the wrong button and lost my post.

#26 checking in after a break of 12 days - I managed to put the "Dread Monster" to sleep and did my usual 8s/12s x 60 - HR 158 max (at 15 min mark) - 130 after 5 mins cool down, 105 after 10 mins in the garden in the lovely cool breeze. So pretty much back on track - just remind me not to measure my blood glucose within one hour of stopping - 8.7 just now -eek - but a recognised side effect, due to all the circulating HGH, adrenaline & noradrenaline - I'm sure when I measure it again in an hour or so, it'll be fine! "Physiological hyperglycaemia" anyone?

Happy HIITing everyone, including our wonderful patroness! Come on@Juliana.Rivers, how is that treadmill going????
I'm basking in the warm if slightly sweaty glow of my first session of the week.

My hip is very tender at the moment. Does anyone have any ideas for leg strengthening exercises other than lunges and squats?

Happy hiiting :)
#17 posting first HIT of the week. w/20 sec x 8 w/10 secs rest. HR (125) at finish, 80 at 5 min & 72 @ 6 min- coming down fine. I'm using the calculator on MM Fast Exercise site for my targets. Not quite where i need to be, something to work toward. Tomorrow, treadmill HIT.
honesty alert! Had to recalculate the #s & edit this post. Silly me...
Can you please link to the calculator and or the site please? I'd be interested in seeing it.
trishdish11 wrote: I have briefly experimented with HIT using the cross trainer, count me in would love to take it further.

Thank you for joining in. Been a while since we had a new member, you are Member 38 @trishdish11. All the best in getting fit with HIT
jools7 wrote: hello, fellow HIITers,

I'm just off to do my 9th session, as below. Glad to report that the fear factor is getting smaller, and I don't need to psych myself up all day any more!1

But before I do that, I'd like to just put my pilates teacher hat on with people who are doing lower body exercise here - please don't forget your stretches after! - and @gillymary's sore hip makes me think of that horrible piece of human design, the ilio-tibial band (ITB for short). This diabolical (for 90% of the population) contraption which is really an expanded tendon, is responsible for a LOT of hip & knee pain, and it's hard to stretch - you really need a foam roller - only about $30 investment, but so worth it if you're a regular exerciser - riding a bike and running will particularly make it tight if you're not stretching it and you don't have much glute strength (80% of runners, IMHO).

So, to stretch it on the roller - half sit on the roller to start, then come down to support your weight on your hands, then your lower forearm. So you are now on your side. Straighten your lower leg, then bend your upper leg so your foot is in front of your lower leg. Start rolling from the bony bit on the side of your hip - greater trochanter - and get right down to nearly beside your knee. Aaaaand repeat! Make sure your lower kneecap keeps pointing forward, not to the ceiling. It's not pleasant! I always tell my students that it's nobody's favourite exercise. But it does work. You will probably encounter several "knots" down the length of it, and it will hurt! Over time, if you can improve your glute med and min strength (a bit too much to write how to do that here), it won't get nearly as tight. Or consult your friendly local WELL-TRAINED pilates teacher - Australian Pilates Method Association, here in Aus - I know Body Control are great in U.K.

Good luck and happy exercising!

p.s. I am assuming that you can get enough shoulder stability and core stability to do this, if this is not the case, then you really need to do some pilates!!

I wrote this post about post-exercise sore hips - hope it helps! @Umleila, it's possible you need some selective stretching like this, as well as strengthening! Also any glute strengthening along with rolling your itb (as above) might be useful.
Thanks so much. I'm off to read and investigate thoroughly now :like:
No 5 back having been AWAL for the month of Feb. not doing well at all, we were on a ski holiday last week and it snowed and was very misty so we didn't get much ski-ing done and to cap it the hotel had 5 course meals. Since I eat when I am feeling fed up I really enjoyed my 5courses every night. I am also very guilty of watching a lot of TV when the Olympics are on so I spend more time watching than doing.. @Janeg I think I need a good slap on the lug with your wet fish. :curse:. It is the start of a new week only got back yesterday I am on a fast day today and have been on a walk so I will try to get my enthusiasm back. Hope you are all doing better than me. :like: :clover:
Hello Nessie! I had missed you and did wonder where you were. Now I know.
The wet fish isn't needed - you're back to fasting and getting exercise. It's only used as a last resort you know! ;)
You were doing so well with your kettle bells that I'm sure you'll get your groove back in no time.
jools7 wrote: Okay, try again! I think I hit the wrong button and lost my post.

#26 checking in after a break of 12 days - I managed to put the "Dread Monster" to sleep and did my usual 8s/12s x 60 - HR 158 max (at 15 min mark) - 130 after 5 mins cool down, 105 after 10 mins in the garden in the lovely cool breeze. So pretty much back on track - just remind me not to measure my blood glucose within one hour of stopping - 8.7 just now -eek - but a recognised side effect, due to all the circulating HGH, adrenaline & noradrenaline - I'm sure when I measure it again in an hour or so, it'll be fine! "Physiological hyperglycaemia" anyone?

Happy HIITing everyone, including our wonderful patroness! Come on@Juliana.Rivers, how is that treadmill going????

Go Jools! I love that you have outwitted the dread monster! It's a clever phenomena and takes a lot to get it to cooperate. :)
Can you do HIIT walking on the beach? Interesting I started walking fast for 15 steps slow for 90 and kept repeating this for 30 mins. I guess I need to buy MM's fast exercise book?
Also you're polaties material reminds me to do my exercises I get from
my exercise phys, to strengthen the musckes I need fir walking.
Have a great day everyone!
Jo x
:clover: :heart:
wow, lucky you, @Jo05, walking on the beach! Green with envy! With your knee, I don't think I'd be trying to push it faster than a fast walk - jogging or running on sand can put uneven stresses through knee joints. Go you!! Fast walking sounds great!

But if you really wanted to do some full-on HIIT, I'd suggest an exercise bike (most of the science done this way) or a crosstrainer - ask your exercise physiologist, they should be able to work you through a protocol. But I reckon you're going just fine at the mo - one thing at a time!! I couldn't start HIIT until I'd been doing 5/2 and 4/3 for more than 2 months!
I'm so happy I can go back to just walking. Yeah Jools, I'm kinda spoilt rotten here with beaches. My doubt monster takes a bit to convince still, but I find she's most likely to get out there at 5.30pm. Not sure whats specially easier at that time, but so be it.

No fasting on my walks just fasting with my food for now.
:) :like: :clover: :heart:

May I join the fast exercise club even if I am a painfully slow runner? :wink:

I'll go running this evening and will likely get rained on, but at least it won't be hot! :grin: I'm going to try to get 4.5K in, but I'd settled for 4.2 in a heartbeat.
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