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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 Jun 2013, 01:04
Me and my flatmate are starting on Monday - eek!

Will take measurements and let everyone know in due course. Anyone else planning to start in the next few days? You have all been an inspiration :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 Jun 2013, 01:18
I have a library of Jillian Micheals DVDs including the 30 day shred as well as Tony Horton P90X/Beach Body stuff (which I did several rounds of way before 5:2) and 10 minute trainer. I like Tony's philosophy of muscle confusion. I rotate all these so I never do the same one twice in one week. I never planned on doing 30 day shred for 30 days, I just use her 3 levels as part of my rotation in my library. She does have some of the better workout videos IMHO. Good luck w/the 30DS!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 Jun 2013, 13:19
Thanks for the next-workout suggestions. I may just see what youtube has on offer ;-)

Haven't done my measurements yet except I do know my weight loss is about 200 grams :-( Not happy about that.

But I will keep trying - from stubbornness of nothing else.

Good luck all you new shredders!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
21 Jun 2013, 15:35
For a little while there I thought I was going to die while shredding today, but I pushed through it and I'm glad I did. I'm not sure I've ever sweat this much indoors before, though. :dazed:

Shockingly, after only having been at this for four days, I see new definition in my legs and upper abs. I didn't expect to see actual visible results so quickly. That is incredibly encouraging and will keep me going through the struggle!

Thanks for the inspiration, everyone!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
22 Jun 2013, 05:46
Been shredding for couple weeks now, am half way through level 2. In a weird way I quite enjoy it ( although I think my left knee would disagree! )

Sadly today for the first time I have gained weight, not weighed myself for 9 days so first proper since started shredding - it's only a pound but still am not happy : (

Anyone else had this happen?
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
22 Jun 2013, 07:04
I have just done 3rd workout. Oh my I can feel every muscle. I said to Hubby that I was not going to be good today, having a day off eating low carb and the cheeky thing said" Oh you are good though!!!" Meaning that I was looking hot. I can defo see some definition and he thinks my bum is looking great. I am going to carry on with this!!!(PS I have also been doing davinna intense since I started!!)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
22 Jun 2013, 07:09
Prawny wrote:
Sadly today for the first time I have gained weight, not weighed myself for 9 days so first proper since started shredding - it's only a pound but still am not happy : (

Anyone else had this happen?

Very much so, Prawny.

I was on a serious plateau from when I started shredding, my weight has started to drop when I started missing shred days. Don't let this put you off though, my body shape changed noticeably, even though my weight stayed the same. I suppose it does depend on your reasons for choosing this WOE, though. It has been mentioned in this and other threads, that exercise can slow weight loss.

I'm please to be able to say that my weight is now heading down and I am conscious of a change in my appetite and eating habits, along with some funny mouth tastes which is hope means my metabolism has changed and I'm burning fat. Still to early to know which way is is going to go, though.

I have started back at level 1 after two weeks each of 1 then 2. I can do everything Natalie does, except the push ups (not in a month of Sundays). I'm wondering which has more benefit; doing level 1 with control and being able to focus on pulling my stomach in and working the muscles carefully or Levels 2 and 3 when I am so busy trying not to fall over, that muscle control is the last thing on my mind. Bear in mind, before 4 weeks ago, I had done no exercise at all.

I'd like to know what you guys think on that. TIA
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 Jun 2013, 17:34
Eek, where is everyone?? I haven't shredded since Thursday, I have a horrible cold so I thought it was best to rest rather than shred, but I'm planning on shredding again tomorrow.

Re the weight gain it's water weight, as while recovering your muscles retain water to help them repair (or something like that) so it takes a couple of weeks to even out. I can't remember exactly but I think I gained slightly, then stayed the same, then lost over a kilo in one week, so if you're patient you should lose weight when shredding!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 Jun 2013, 20:47
Hi - I have been doing the 5:2 since 1st March and the 30 Day Shred since 1st June (I like starting things on the 1st day of the month!). I bought the DVD but then found the You Tube video. I have received loads of compliments about my weight loss (1 stone) and my slimness. I would prefer to be half a stone lighter but the shape is more important and I am delighted with the results. The only thing that I found hard with 30DS was the effect on my knees so now I do the cardio on my mini trampoline which has been so much better! I am still on level 1 but at 55, that is fine with me and I am happy to work up to the other levels as I progress. Trying on dresses for my daughter's graduation was a real delight and has motivated me to keep going with both the 5:2 and 30DS.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
24 Jun 2013, 21:59
Hello shredders. Today me and my 15 year old daughter did the first workout. Arms are now sore and think we may be doing silly walks tomorrow. I found the workout quite hard but didn't struggle too much with the cardio bit, unlike daughter who kept stopping rather than jumping/pretend skipping. I put this down to my jogging. Molly had the hand weights and I got a tin of spaghetti and a tin of beans! Am absolutely knackered now. Haven't done exercise for nearly a month so it felt great to get moving again. I have been resting up a hip injury so really hoping this wasn't too active for it.

Enjoyed reading through the posts seeing how people have found this but now scared what will come in 9 days time! Maybe off to sports direct to replace my tins with hand weights tomorrow.

Had never heard of this before this forum so here goes. Wish me luck :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
25 Jun 2013, 22:00
OMG my stomach Muscles are groaning at me every time I use them to move! My shins and calf muscles hurt on stairs so it must be working :) second day today. Again we did it at 8.30pm but daughter no 3 joined me and daughter no 2, but she did the girly version ~ no weights. We are going to carry on doing this in the evenings Mon to Thursday. Gonna have Friday as a rest up repair day and will do this early mornings at the weekends. Didn't fancy doing Fri night then Sat morn! Hope everyone else is still shreding. Surely we aren't the only ones? :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
26 Jun 2013, 12:00
Still going despite the halt in weight loss, thanks for the info Effie. Hoping the weight loss will restart soon, still fasting 5:2. Maybe need to do 4:3?

About to go up to level 3 - wish me luck!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
26 Jun 2013, 21:02
Hi all, finally checking in with measurements from 30 Day Shred:

Started 30 Day Shred
Weight 65.2kg
Arms - 30
Thighs - 62
Hips - 101
Waist - narrowest part -77
Waist - widest part -90

Current Stats after finishing 30 Day Shred
Weight 64.9kg
Arms - 29
Thighs - 60
Hips - 95
Waist - narrowest part -75
Waist - widest part -86

So while I haven't lost much weight (just over half a pound), there has definitely been centimetre loss. I started Ripped in 30 last night - if you've just gotten through Level 3 of 30DS the first week of Ripped won't be too hard at all. Should I start a thread on Ripped, or M I the only one doing it?

Well done to everyone who has recently joined the Shredders. Once you get over the comedy walk (after Day 4 in most cases) you will be so pleased at your progress!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
27 Jun 2013, 20:44
Wow, lots of cm losses for mummybunny :) do you feel more toned as well? Are your clothes fitting better mummybunny?

Did another level 1 workout this evening. Didn't ache today like I did yesterday but am finding the pretend skipping a killer on the calf muscles. Day off tomorrow so will celebrate with a glass of wine :)

Good luck with the ripped DVD. Looking forward to hearing how you find it. Shelley x
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
27 Jun 2013, 21:26
Hi amberenchanted, I do feel more toned, definitely. Clothes are definitely fitting better (I am now a fairly solid size 10 UK/6 US) and people are definitely noticing it in my face. I've been trying on all sorts of clothes I haven't been able to wear for a while, and while some still have a way to go before they look good, I no longer have that hopeless "oh God, how could I have let myself get like this?" feeling I would have had a couple of months ago. I'm tackling the problem, not with everything I've got, to be honest (because giving everything I've got to this process isn't sustainable and I am determined not to let myself burn out), but with all the diligence I can give that works for my life.

Didn't Rip yesterday as I had a business trip and got back late, but got right back in the saddle today (while fasting) and was eager to get on with it. I can't say enough good things about the Jillian workouts I've tried.
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