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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Re: Auriga's progress.
04 Mar 2014, 15:13
Thanks Karen! Glad you like my March Hare :smile:

@Auriga you are now officially my inspiration. I feel rather excited about reaching a weight I haven't seen in years...and this is THE way to do it! I guess, too that my current TDEE is on the low side because I am pretty much sedentary. When I am well, then presumably my TDEE will I can enjoy more calories!! It's a win, win situation :grin:

Thanks again Auriga xx

Bean :starving:
Re: Auriga's progress.
04 Mar 2014, 22:10
Yes @auriga how about some photos? (From the neck down is fine...we respect you don't want to show your face).
Re: Auriga's progress.
05 Mar 2014, 17:13
I am thinking about it @carorees. Might have a bash at it if I can steam up the old digital camera (I don't have an i-phone) and work out how to download image and post and stuff....not too good at it! In fact I have to admit to NEVER doing it. I could do with a lesson as I am a bit of a dinosaur with technical stuff. Or you might have to wait 'til I can get my son on the job.
I wrote down some instructions that SilverDarling posted some time ago....need time to think about it. :oops:
Re: Auriga's progress.
07 Mar 2014, 14:03
Great day today, I have stopped yo yo-ing and weighed in at a new low of 55.6k.....yay!
It's a feed day today so having organic rack of lamb with green beans and a red wine jus for dinner, making OH a potato gratin too (I don't like that very much myself, but can't deprive hubby)....and we will have a bottle of red wine to go with it. Oh I love feed days. :heart:
Re: Auriga's progress.
07 Mar 2014, 14:22
Well done Auriga. Your meal tonight sounds lovely. On photo's I'm sure the lovely @Moogie can help you if you send her your pics........ :wink:
Re: Auriga's progress.
07 Mar 2014, 14:32
rawkaren wrote: Well done Auriga. Your meal tonight sounds lovely. On photo's I'm sure the lovely @Moogie can help you if you send her your pics........ :wink:

Thanks Karen....I am planning on having a go with the old camera next week, must learn to do things by to get to grips with modern technology apart from my beloved laptop. I am a Libran (you might not believe in such things), so spend ages and ages deciding the best course of action to take and whether it's a good idea or not, should I? shan't I? OMG don't know! etc etc etc.... :dazed:
Re: Auriga's progress.
07 Mar 2014, 15:27
Well done on the new low @Auriga ! :like: :like: :like: :heart:
Re: Auriga's progress.
07 Mar 2014, 15:40
Come on @Auriga if I can learn to post pictures (and I think it's safe to say I post them quite often :wink: ) then I think anyone can! Just think of me...I've now said I will post piccies of me starting out with black hair, then ginger, hopefully working through to white (hoping it doesn't all fall out :shock: ) and then a lovely rose colour. Wish me luck xx

Bean :heart:
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 03:06
@Auriga that is absolutely fantastic :like: :smile:
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 10:34

OK going to try and post pic! Yay!!! did it.
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 10:43
You look fab Auriga!
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 12:17
Hoorah!! @Auriga! There you are!! You look wonderful...well done indeed :grin:

Oh dear, the pressure is on for a Bean reveal :shock: although I ought to accompany any Bean pictures with a health warning!!

I'm currently in bed having had my hair colour remover applied by my darling mum. Only time will tell...another 45 mins to go...scary or what! :shock:

Well done again @Auriga so pleased for you xx

Bean :starving:
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 13:32
Hi @nursebean, you have to post your pics Beanie..... I bet you look good too!!!
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 14:54
Woohoo!!! You look incredible fasting buddy. Well done that woman :heart: :heart: I'm out tonight but I shall now fast all day. Thanks for your inspiration :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory:
Re: Auriga's progress.
08 Mar 2014, 17:22
Just sat here and read through all your journal@Auriga.. how inspiring!! You really have done so so well on this WOE, in such a short space of time. Well done, you are amazing! :victory: :like:
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