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Progress Diaries & Journals

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Crumbs. I decided to weigh. Lost 8.2lbs! I expect it is mostly water but a loss is a loss. Go me!
Rawkaren, like you said a loss is a loss,great ! All the best
Oh my word! Karen!! @RawkarenThat's amazing! You must be over the moon! We never had losses like this before did we. I'm SO glad you've got yourself in the zone now!
@Justdee that's a great day you had there! Look at the low carb count!! Wowzer! Keep up the good work now - you're on a roll!!
I am so proud of Candy @Candicemarie she has taken hold of BSD with both hands - and is doing amazingly well! Its just staggering isn't it.
Feeling rather yucky this morning after my foolish day. At least I know now though - no more milk chocolate - and no more cereal - no more wine - no more chips! I've got just over five weeks before I visit my sister in Canada - and I think I just might get to 9 and a half stone - I can't tell you what a miracle this is - woohoo!! :shock:
Nutty?! @Hazlenut20? Hows it going?
Bean :heart: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
@Rawkaren, brilliant work. I am weighing more often than I used to in an effort to keep myself honest as I find this hard going, mainly because I start work so early. It feels like a long morning.
It sounds as though this seems to be working well for a lot of people which is brilliant to see! I am being fed homemade pizza tonight in an experiment to see what my blood sugar does in the morning. My sweet tooth is being satisfied by raspberries and cream and quinoa porridge.
Bet you can't wait for Canada Bean, where are you off to?
So Pleased @rawkaren ! Isnt it heartening when the scales reward us for our efforts! XXX
Thats a great result! :victory: :victory:
My sister lives in Montreal, Debs. I can't tell you how exciting it is. I've bean so ill that I haven't bean able to visit her - and she's bean living there for three years now. This is huge for me. I can't wait to be with my little nephews again - and my darling sisquee of course!
Bean :heart:
Well done @rawkaren, 8.2lbs in only a few short weeks, yes we know some of it is water but please don't play it down, you're doing great. I'm so pleased you weighed and now know this is working for you too. Keep it up :clover: :clover: :clover:
Day 11 done. Slightly under my cals but some lovely food today to include veg kebabs and spicy shrimps
Wow @rawkaren8.2lbs in only 10 days, that's great. A great day today too. You'll have most of a stone gone by the end of week 2. I'm loving all the success
I've had another good day. MFP said 539 cals and 34 carbs. I'd have a few nuts or something but I don't want any so because tomorrow is weigh in day, I'll save the extra cals and use them tomorrow (a la @Tracieknits, sort of) :) still low carb of course.
It's all happening here! Whoop whoop @rawkaren....8.2lbs gone? Fantastic! A great motivator and just reward for hanging on in there at the beginning! So pleased for you!

Candy @candicemarie...oh my goodness! 21lbs in 23 days????? Flipping heck, girl! I am jumping up and down on the spot with excitement! Look what you have gone and done!! A-maz-ing! No other word for it! So chuffed for you...

Beany @nursebean - what a transformation! No longer into milk chocolate? Ditching the cereal? Not enjoying sweet stuff? Would you Adam and Eve it?? But the biggest thrill is for me to read that you are feeling so good right now! That is worth everything. To read your brilliant posts and to see all that positivity shining out....ooh, it's such heartwarming stuff - I can't tell you! Not long now til you visit your sis and nephews...and it's so good to think that you are in such a great place right now. It's going to be a marvellous trip!

Hey, Totally Dee! Congrats on getting back into it - very proud of you! Especially great to read your "take" on how you will be feeling as a result of having to ditch the carbs - wonderful insight as usual. Knowledge is power....Isn't it great @justdee to see what our fellow BSDers are achieving?? You and I both know that we're all on a long road....with the odd bump to cope with....and all that matters is how we deal with the problems that occur. It's not about eating that's about how we move on from it and get back on the road. I quite agree that standing still is a victory in itself - so when some of us are disappointed with standing's lovely that other members step in and remind us to not get too gloomy about it! I love celebrating everyone's successes...but I'm also ready to commiserate too. There's no competition here - just as well, or I'd be throwing my toys out of the pram on hearing how Candy has shed 21lbs...just like that!!!!!! To name just one example! Over on the challenge thread...there are people who have many more stars than I have - but I couldn't be happier for them. To know that people are gaining control and changing their the biggest thrill ever!!

So, a huge thank you to everyone who is on this thread regularly...or who visits us from time to time (hello @mountainmyst!) to see what's going on here. We're going to keep on doing what we're doing...and you're all welcome to join us...if you haven't yet dipped your toes in the water!! We're all here to help!! Xxx
Ah lovely to hear from you Nutty @Hazlenut20! Its going really well in here isn't it. I'm looking forward to hearing how Dee's @JustDee's weigh-in goes today. Its all so exciting isn't it!!
On one note: I don't think I've ever done a challenge on here - and succeeded! Its just so incredible. Life is wonderful at the moment. Everyone should go low carb - it makes you feel so well!!
BEan :heart:
Thank you for the warm welcome @Hazelnut20 . Pernelle I am so happy to see all of you giving low carb a try and doing so well.
I have to confess I am not following the BSD, I started grainfree, low carb, higher fat eating 1 1/2 yrs ago. I had been following the fast diet for over a year and seeing good results. However I was diagnosed with inflammatory osteoarthritis, was in constant pain and medications to treat it just made me sick. I started searching for anti-inflammatory foods and diet ideas. I happened upon the Wheat Belly Diet and started following it. My only deviation is I do not use artificial sweeteners, sugar for me thanks. :-) I use very little, but need some in my English Breakfast cuppa in the morning. I also use heavy cream.
Anyway, to cut a long story short ( too late I know) my weight has been below my original goal, and I just hit 120 lbs ( I am almost 64 yrs old, 5'2" ) I have M.E. And don't exercise. My cholesterol, blood pressure, and pain levels are down.
I said all that to say, don't give up. Make sure you measure yourselves and if the scales don't move, check your measurements. This way of eating is actually easy once you get into it. Grains are addictive and will cause cravings, not to mention tummy upset many times.
I apologize for the length of this post, I am afraid I have become a low carb, higher fat diet fanatic. :-) I promise to not hijack your thread with novels in future. Great work, my friends, I am excited to follow your successes. Phyl
Phyl! @MountainMyst! How lovely to see you in here!! :smile:
Don't be silly about the length of your message - its really interesting stuff - and appropriate for what we're doing here. I've never heard of the Wheat Belly Diet but it sounds as though it has done wonders for you! Its not just the amazing weight loss you've had but its doing wonders for your ME too isn't it. You've mentioned going grain free for some time and I was always intrigued - but could never commit! Anyway, I started the 800 cals per day and didn't worry about carbs - now I worry about carbs! And, like you, I eat full fat and low carb. Its working wonders, it really is!
Look forward to seeing you in here again Phyl - with more tips! The more the merrier in this particular tent :wink:
Bean :heart:
Phyl ..lovely to see you here!...welcome,our dear pal@mountainmyst! Call by any time,always great to chat!
At last me and Bean have seen the light! How long have you bean saying,over on the M.E. / CFS thread, that grains do us no good..but we couldnt believe we could do without them! And now we are cutting carbs and reaping the benefits on a daily basis..shedding fat all over the place and slipping on it hehe! And having nice calm digestive systems! AND feeling more tranquil..i dont know how i got fat coz ive always held myself in a tense way, never fully i' m quite serene a lot of the time coz those bad old carbs arent making me jittery! X :like: :heart: sorry it took us so long Phyl but we got there in the end! X
Closing another day slightly over. However today I have been really hungry fantasising about salted peanuts and wine. Well they will have to wait until the weight has all gone. Hope everyone else has had a great day
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