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Forgot to mention breaking the fast.

Last time I had 2 slices of homemade wholemeal toast with real butter and apricot jam (mmm, I can smell toast). That was enough, my digestive system liked it and it took my through to lunch no problems. I would suggest not eating too much and not going for refined carbs and learn from Breadandwine's experience as posted in this topic.
The applause helped me through a weak moment just now, thanks Suchard :like: I was putting away the contents of my veg box and drooling over the asparagus and other lovely veggies :bugeyes:

Well my first tummy rumble just occurred, loudly :oops: Just as well there was no-one around to hear! I reckon I'll be OK since I can reasonably go to bed at 10pm :bugeyes:

Might have to go and make a decaff coffee - caffeine after 6pm is a no no for me or I can't sleep. No food, and fake coffee... if someone else enforced this regime I'd be out of this joint like a shot :lol:
So I'm back with you hardcore 36 hour water fasters after trying an experimental move to MGM's super-hardcore side and concluding after three gos at consecutive day fasts (60 hour water fasts - weeks apart obv) that 36 hour water fasting suits me much better. I've blogged about it if anyone's particularly interested.

It's class that Moogie is joining us! The 'Wildmisses 36 hour club' (WTH?! - fits nicely with 'What the hell?!!) is growing fast!!

Moogie, never worry about the hot choc - just have it. I used to have about 4 coffees during my first couple of 'water fasts' - it got me through and I kicked it easily after a couple of weeks.

I definitely agree that B&W's advice on how to break a fast is worth checking out. Go overboard, even just a little the next day and you're going to regret it.
Winsome I am very :shame: at what I am fantasising about eating tomorrow. Usually I eat very healthily, lots of freshly prepared meals, full of vegetables and good proteins. Yet what I want to break my fast with tomorrow is a Big Mac meal. That won't do. So I will break my fast with a bowl of berries and a glass of milk, perhaps some museli... and then I'll have lunch at Maccy D :grin:

Of course I should just heed the illustrious Breadandwine's advice...

Wildmissus I think you're right about predicting that the evenings are our danger times when in fact, in reality, we manage fine. It's such a mental thing, isn't it!
Just a note on the 'danger time' of 6-7pm in the evening. I found that tricky at first too, but I found if I focused on just getting past that hour or so, rather than thinking about the 12-16 hour expanse to my next meal, it was much easier. If you can make it to about 8/9pm you'll probably not be hungry anymore as its later than you'd normally eat and the body sort of forgets to be hungry by then. Bit like the 'riding out hunger pangs' that Michael Mosley described.
I just went and read B&W's advice about not overdoing it when breaking the fast. Ouch! I think that based on everything everyone has said, I will try and have a moderate breakfast when I get back from the school run at about 08:30 and see how I feel. To date, I've not been ravenous the day after a 500 cal day, so it will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes.
Great article from US Men's Health magazine about the psychological and physical benefits of a zero calorie 36 hour fast:

The article is from 2010 and is a Google cache link (as it's no longer on Men's Health website - that I can see, anyway).
Well, it's nearly 9pm and I've sailed through all my danger zones today. It's (quite literally) mental :smile: Now I've reached 9pm, I know I'm gonna succeed at this. This thread has been instrumental in keeping me going. A massive :like: to you wildmissus - look what you've started!

And I've just realised that Secret Eaters is videoing so I can settle in and watch it before bed, feeling smug (and that show is such a deterrent).
I've joined you ladies this week and have found it plain sailing so far. I think we can scare ourselves about things when there's not really anything to fear.
I'm doing my 3rd 24 hour water fast tomorrow and I'm quite looking forward to it. I prefer not having to think about food at all. I feel as if I'm losing weight, it's probably wishful thinking, but we'll see on Monday.
From the number of views the thread is getting I think quite a few people are curious?

Well done Wildmissus for posting!
Wow everyone seems to be doing really well :like:

I've been & done the supermarket shopping (odd thing to do I know when I'm not eating!) Then as soon as I came back & unpacked it all I dragged OH out for an evening walk :grin:

Suprisingly my earlier hunger has passed so I'm just going to have a nice cup of earl grey then shower & bed for me. :victory:

I have to say I think I'll be dreaming of tomorrows toast :sleepy:

Wildmissus thanks for the tea tip, I shall have a look in the local Sainsburys, I really fancy the sound of that.
I really want toast. I'm not hungry. I really want toast. I won't do. I really want toast.
wildmissus wrote: I really want toast. I'm not hungry. I really want toast. I won't do. I really want toast.

Stop it now or I'll never sleep for thinking about toast :frown: :frown: :frown:
My partner came home and cooked liver! Ugh! The house stinks of it and I'm definitely not hungry now! Tucked up in bed watching secret eaters as mentioned by someone above, thanks for that, the perfect end to my fast! Legs feel a little crampy, I'm worried I haven't drunk enough so sipping water! Looking forward to the morning and being successful! No more talk of toast please!
Well I think that's me done for the day - I'm hungry and I'm SURE I can smell that toast of your wildmissus :starving: ... off to my bed with my book and far away from the kitchen. Doubt I'll have time to post on here in the morning before work, so will report back late afternoon/early evening. Have a good night everyone and enjoy the feast day tomorrow :grin:
Evening everyone :grin: I'm doing really well and have ridden out a particularly rough patch around 7pm when all I could think about was poached egg on whole meal toast!!! Made the family's Mediterranean chicken dinner with steamed veg and sat with them all whilst they ate (apparently it's lonely at the dinner table without me there!!!) they then had a homemade choc mousse for dessert while I had a glass of water-still okay!! Tidied kitchen, made lunches for tomorrow, and fed the dogs-STILL okay!!! I've got to get up at 3am tomorrow to drop my daughter at her school, around 30 mins drive away, for a long school day trip to Belgium so that's going to be a bit of a test methinks!!! Can see me being particularly hungry very early on in the day tomorrow!! I am aiming at 42 hours like I did on Monday but have a personal boxing training session at 1pm so feel I'll need to eat in preparation for that-we'll see.
Anyhoooo, off to bed as early start tomorrow-take care everyone, well one on your achievements today :heart:
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