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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Well, Masterchef wasn't as much of a challenge as I expected and despite the yummy looking chocolate fondant I didn't even give in and have a hot choc. Will keep myself busy here for a bit and then head off to bed. Quite proud of myself - and all of you! - for doing this. How strange we'd all decide to do it today.

I'm fantasizing about breakfast, like I used to on my first few fasts. Haven't done that in a while!

It's actually not been too bad - maybe 3 hunger pangs all day, and two of those were while hubby was having his pizza ;)

Well done all!
Nearly time for bed, jammies on. Don't feel I've had enough to drink today so a glass of sparkling water while I read my book.

It's my normal weigh in day tomorrow. I'm a bit excited and nervous. I do feel I've lost weigh but who knows. My charming husband suggested that I tell porky pies if I don't lose weight!!! No way, I'll only be fooling myself. I'll let you all know in the morning.
Glad to know my 'experiment' has been of value to others! :like:

Although I'm unable to join you, ATM (I can only fast completely when my wife isn't here), I do have one further observation to make, about eating/not eating on fasting days.

I've been doing regular 24 hour fasts for about 6 months now, almost always followed by a <600 calorie meal. I take great care in assembling this evening meal, and enjoy the challenge of making something really tasty with some low calorie veggies. It's very easy to make a filling meal for 250 calories or less.

Yet, at no time - although I tried several times - did I consume less than 600 calories. I spent the extra calories on beer, wine, Alpro and banana puddings, cake, dark chocolate - anything to use up all my allowance!

So why did I feel the need to eat up to my 600 calories?

Because, once I started eating, I flicked the 'hunger switch'! I had to eat up to my allowance - it was an imperative, I found.

So what you guys are doing, by not eating at all, is removing any chance of flicking that switch. As many of you have found (apart from removing all the faff around meals - preparing/eating/clearing up, etc), it's easier to fast completely rather than eat the 5/600 cals.

So, best wishes to you all. If I can just persuade my wife I won't fall down faint with hunger, I hope to join you one day!

Cheers, B&W
B&W, the eating up to your allowance is exactly how I feel. I'm new to 5:2 but an old hand at dieting, and I've always felt the need to eat what I was allowed. Thank you for taking the trouble to post and share your experiences :smile:

I've just had a very long and overdue chat with my sister, which has conveniently taken me up to bedtime :smile: I can hardly believe that the last time I chewed something was 8pm yesterday, or that its been quite easy. I've struggled in the last to fast even overnight- lunch for a hospital test!

As has been said, it is, literally, MENTAL :victory:

Well done folks, here's to the next one :clover:
Well done Moogie for resisting the hot chocolate!

Right, that's me off to bed, foodless, too :grin: May not eat first thing tomorrow as I like to exercise on an empty stomach (and usually skip breakfast anyway) so it may end up being a 36+ hour fast. See you all tomorrow!
You are all very inspirational, I have thought this an impossible fast for me.....but maybe I may give it a go. Ive hit a 3 week maintain and really am desperate to see a loss
The last half dozen or so fasts I've been trying to have 300 or less cals, just to see how I got on with that. Actually I think I've had less loss those weeks, but that probably is just coincidence because of easter, birthdays, meals out etc. I certainly didn't feel unable to cope on 'so few' calories as I had lovely big salads - sometimes I had to leave them.

I've quite enjoyed today but am looking forward to having something in the morning :)
Moogie - enjoy your breakfast tomorrow. It will be the most delicious breakfast you've ever had I promise you! The 36 hour fast is worth it for that alone!
Won't it be lovely when the good weather arrives properly and we can get stuck in to all sorts of salads. This horrible grey wet stuff that we've had to put up with for what seems like years gets me so down.
Morning ! In haste while kettle boils - can't afford to miss train, which I so nearly did yesterday - eeek. Feeling really light headed and dizzy and woke up with a mouth like the bottom of a bird cage (my mum's expression) - which I did on Tuesday too when I did my first 36 hr fast. Feeling really dehydrated - lots of water with some tea is the first order of the day. My 36 hours will expire at 10am this morning (may not make that). Note to self: next 36hr fast don't eat a chocolate hob nob so late in the evening before a fast :neutral: My usual weigh day is Saturday morning - will report back as to how much I've lost this week after these 2 x 36 hr fasts. Depending on the results I may well continue this to give weight loss a bit of a boost. Look forward to hearing how everyone else has done..........
Morning all, cup of tea and slice of buttered toast to break my fast along with a smug feeling of accomplishment! 2x36hr fasts completed this week and no headache but been awake since 5am thanks to my little baby, who let me resettle him back to sleep but my mind was too buzzing to get back off so got up early and enough time to post before getting off to work. Scales are again 4lbs down on Mondays official weigh in, but got all weekend for that to creep back up to my final results for the week. I actually feel great, but almost like I have too much energy! Hope everyone else is feeling good this morning. Now to decide whether this is the path for me now rather than 500 cals, at the moment I think I will take one fast at a time and decide on the day, it's great to be flexible and to know this is achievable, I'm very chuffed!
Well done to everyone who made it through! I've just reached 36 hours and have realised I've not got much here in terms of breakfast options - oops! Can't have porridge as that angers my tummy after a fast. No eggs in fridge. No bread! Might have to be a banana! Or just cereal...
Good Morning All

Well my 36 hours have passsed & suprisingly I haven't faded away/fainted/died of hunger as all my work colleagues suggested I would! Woken up this morning feeling fine, just made breakfast for OH,waved him off to work, pegged the washing out in the sunshine & now retired back to bed with the paper & a cup of tea for a little while-my guilty pleasure on my day off if I've nothing planned :grin:

The scales are 4lb down since yesterday so I'll be interested to see how much of that stays off. I've thought about running straight into a 500 cal 'normal' fast day today but not sure I'm strong enough but we'll see how the morning goes :neutral:

Hope everyone still fasting gets to their goal. Thanks wildmissus for posting this thread,if so many people hadn't posted on it I'd have never attempted it!
Woohoo, I completed my zero cal, 36 hour fast. My second. I broke the fast with a milky, freshly ground and brewed coffee and a banana. But the best news is that I was 1 lb down this morning and it means I AM AT GOAL WEIGHT! 210lbs to 145lbs. So happy. Need to start thinking about a maintenance strategy. I think I'll do 6:1 and make that fast day a 36er.
Morning all :lol: Feeling great this morning. Am going through to 40 hours I've decided, would like to have matched Monday's 42 but have a personal training session at 1pm so will need to eat by 11 this morning. Been up since 3am as had to take daughter to school for early morning school trip. Got back at 5am and ironed (I know!! Bonkers) until DH & 2 sons got up at 6.30. I worried the early start would add to my hunger but I feel no worse than a normal morning and in fact, have lots more energy & am clearer of thought.
Said I wasn't going to weigh myself as it's time of the month time and water weight is an issue for me BUT I did and have lost 3lbs since Monday!! Am very hopeful this will show itself to be slightly more when hormones get back to normal as I've always put on 4-5lbs water weight with PMT and yet this time I've lost!!! V happy with myself :grin:
I think I also will see how I feel on a fast to fast basis as to whether I make my Mon/Thurs water or 500cal fasts but honestly feel the water fast is easier so will see how I feel on Monday (oh, yes and there's always the bandwagon to think about too isn't there?? You lot start being positive and agreeing to another one and I find myself right there with you!!!) Look forward to hearing how everyone else got on/are getting on. Hope you all have a great day XX
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