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Hi! #58 reporting a loss of 1 pound, making 3 pounds in the 3 weeks of the challenge.

I'm a bit disappointed actually - felt it would be more as I've had 2 very good fasts and no major blowouts. Still, onwards and downwards...
#11 checking in at 67.9kg (trend weight) with a total loss since starting the Easter challenge of 600g. Giving me 1.4kg to target. But, the trend weight is a bit inaccurate because I had a long weekend at a hotel where I ate lots (call it a planned refeed!) and gained about a kilo. I have since lost the gain plus some more with a new low on the scales this morning of 66.9kg, which if maintained would make me only 400g from target! We'll see next week whether the low is real or not, eh?
Today is not my official WI day, but according to the scale I'm down 1.5 since Monday. Of course, yesterday was a fast day, so I'm sure that will be up some when I do WI officially on Monday. Still exciting to see the lower number!
#3 checking in. I am 2.2lbs down since starting on 6th Feb. I was hoping to do better but we have had a busy time socially over the past couple of weeks but we are not out tomorrow so I'm going to try my first 4:3 week and hopefully get things moving. Talking of things moving (or not!!) I have not been to the loo since Tuesday! I feel like I have a concrete football in my tummy. I'm eating plenty of veg and drinking lots of water. I don't really want to use laxatives but things are getting a wee bit desperate :-(
:bunny: #72 Still @ 140 lbs. this morning, so no lose for me to report this week. :frown:

I'm also in need of a BM, so I hope once I have some coconut oil in my coffee that will help.

This next week I'll be away on vacation, but I plan to do 16/8 daily along with 2 fastdays on Mon. & Thurs.

Congrats to those doing so well & best wishes to all on your continued progress! :turtle: ~ Ann
Unfortunately I have gained weight :( A lot of it is probably water weight from eating and drinking too much (enjoying myself too much!) plus it is TOTM. I will try to get back on track next week and be more disciplined with my fasting. The past two weeks have been a real step back, I was so immersed in work that I ate whatever I wanted and now I've been out drinking too! Not feeling great to be honest. I'll be better next week.
No 22 checking in with a 1lb weight loss this week. Pleased with myself as I managed a zero cal liquid fast yesterday. I feel in a better place and have a plan for next week to hopefully I'm back on track again.
#34 checking in!
I gained 1kg :dazed: I weighed 68.5kgs , TOTM just passed and I started exercising this week, I hope next week I'll lose some but I'm worried.
I've had my fasts and I didn't go over my TDEE, I'll watch more carefully what I eat on regular days.
Can I change my goal to 66kgs please? :oops:
Number 8 checking in ...

I seem to have gained a pound this week, not sure why as I've done two good fasts and certainly not over-eaten (for a change!) on the other days. So who knows - according to the 'winter failings' thread it could just be to do with metabolism/hormones over the winter months. :curse:

I've not entered it on my Tracker as I can't bear to the see the graph going upwards! So I'll wait till it goes back in the other direction. :wink:

But now I have 6lbs to lose by Easter - almost as hard as the 176-page book I have to write in the same time span - and sitting on my bum to do it! Wish me luck... :bugeyes:
Lost a pound - happy about that. But still a way to go to get to my Easter Challenge. Best of luck to everyone!
Member #53 checking in with almost 2 pound loss in almost 2 weeks. 4 lb. to go and no sabotaging holidays on the horizon to send me off the tracks. Good Luck everyone. :clover: :crossed:
#17 checking in with a one pound loss this week making it a total of 4lbs since starting. I'm not sure that puts me quite on track for reaching my 14lb goal, but I'll give it a go!
#78 checking in. Yesterday I weighed 93.3 kg. That is 700g lost since I started this challenge a week ago. Today my weight is 92.6kg but since I fasted yesterday (usually fast on fridays, not thursdays) I am not using that weight :)
3.3 kg from my goal. Maybe a bit optimistic but would be so cool if I made it :)
Er @PennyForthem is there any way I can drop my target down a pound? I think I might have been a bit optimistic with my initial plan (I know, you did warn me!). I mean, even if I'm 11:7 tomorrow, I've only got 7 weeks left. There's just no there? :confused: So, should ?I make it 11:00 instead of 10:13?

Bean :starving:
Down .5 lbs. But even better than that, down 1 inch on my love handles (measurement at belly button) and .5 inch on my waist. :)
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