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#25 checking in.

I finally lost some weight on the day I post to the tracker! It's been a while, with lots of bouncing around. But I was 139.0 lbs today, and that was after 3 days of not fasting.

So that's exciting.

I am not likely to get anywhere near my challenge goal, as we will be visiting my son this month and eating a LOT of food at his brand new restaurant (which is already seeing lines at lunch time!)

But I'm very happy with my current weight and have to keep reminding myself to stop thinking about imagined weight goals and focus instead on how happy I would have been had anyone told me last January that I'd weigh only 139 lbs at the end of the summer. I weighed about 152 then and had been gaining steadily after more than a decade of maintaining at 145.
Hay @Peebles
Im hanging out for 139! Don't think I will ever see it!


But your BMI is already much lower than mine, so you must be a lot bigger--as in taller. No one would ever describe me as "slim" but then, the way I'm built, they never did even when I weighed less than 110 lbs in my 20s. I'm "Built like a brick church" as they say. Very wide ribs, short waist, and huge arm and leg muscles that I've had since I was a kid.
No 30 Langstane checking in and finally managed to lose 1lb this week so feeling a little happier. A bit to go to get to where I started out though.
Sorry @Lizbean just seen your post. My starting weight was 161! Haven't weighed myself yet...I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of daily weigh ins soon!
peebles wrote: you must be a lot bigger--as in taller. .

Im probably both bigger and taller @peebles. :grin: I'm 5ft8inches or 173cm. Isn't funny how the same weight or even bmi can look so different on people. Im always image Googling my height and weight to see what it looks like and the variety is amazing! :bugeyes:
@scubachick, You're five inches taller than I am. So at 140 lbs you would be a sylph. I would be a sylph at 115, which I weighed in my late 20s. But the only way I get there at this point would be courtesy of a fatal wasting disease.

A couple of us were commenting recently on how our mothers in their very old age when they had lost four inches in height and had become emaciated since their bodies couldn't process nutrients any more would brag about how much weight they had lost. It's such a deeply embedded cultural thing. But after a certain age you need some fat to plump out the wrinkles and provide fuel for those later years.

I'm very happy at this weight though I'll have to keep on fasting because there is no way I can maintain without cutting out those fast day calories. My TDEE is in 1400s by now and I love my food.
I must visit here and put my head above the parapet, feel I should be shot! After a fairly controlled holiday I find my weight 10 days after going home the same as when I started the challenge. I will clock in officially after weighing at the end of the week. With 4 weeks of challenge to go I MUST be able to lose some of it. Now that visitors have all gone, (great fun but fancy-free) and we are back to normal it will be easier. Have had time to read posts and feel re-motivated. Like an athlete and the spectators might shout, I'm waving my arms and yelling "COME ON!" for me and everyone else.
I admire all who've done so well :like:, hoping to join you!
No 12 checking in - I normal check in on a Friday but I'm so delighted :grin: I had to share this now.

I have been in the yo yo club since 14 June - bouncing between 126 to 128 - but today I hit a new low of 125 lbs (8stone 13lbs) which means I am 1lb to final goal :victory: :victory: :victory:

So hang in there if you are yo-yoing despite all your best efforts and determination. :clover: I'd half accepted I was in maintenance and that those last few pounds did not matter but as my weight loss is specifically aimed at managing arthritis in my knees I'm really pleased as I had set 9stone as the magic weight not to breach. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks.

@spanner - are you back from your hols yet?
Big Congratulations, @lizbean, that's fabulous!

Aw thanks@chinchin that is really lovely of you - yep 10-10 - I must learn how to congrat peeps with thoughtful images etc on this site. So one pound to go and then I'll post my detailed journey on the delighted thread. I have found it so interesting to read peeps journeys - and how diverse our journey's are for many reasons. Makes me feel very privileged - indeed, thanks to everyone Liz :heart:

That is exciting, and I hope your joints are thanking you for all your hard work!
@peebles thank you, my knee joints are singing - :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: I've seen others have enjoyed this painless success too. :cool: Life is good. :like:
Another week, another weigh-in...and thankfully I can now I've dug my scales out of the random box I'd placed them in! :wink:

This morning I weighed in at 73.5kg...and while it's technically a 400g gain from last week's figure on my parents' scales, I'm still pretty happy, because it confirms a good loss while moving house. So, 1kg to my springing goal, and only 1.5kg to my main goal which was losing 20% of my body weight.

Onwards and downwards, Springers! It's been really encouraging to be reading your stories, especially those of you who've been persevering despite the slow times.

May the fast be with you! :smile:
@Peonyblue well done - that's an amazing achievement! Go you....

It's great to hear people are on the 'move' again @peebles - exciting indeed. @scubachick you'll get there - remember it's only 1.6 lbs to go...... I'm with you.
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