The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by GMH
01 Nov 2013, 22:01
Forum: Resources & Links
Topic: More contraversy re Catalyst program on Statin drugs...
Replies: 47
Views: 3814
Well here I am, sitting waiting for my blood to be taken. This is after seeing a new doctor who, when I mentioned fasting, said "Well we wouldn't recommend that!". This was after she had grilled me over my choice of thyroid if I wa a fruity freak...then took my BP 159/101!!! It w...
by chingola
31 Oct 2013, 10:11
Forum: Monthly Weigh-Ins
Topic: October weigh in...ready, steady...get posting!
Replies: 70
Views: 7857
6/7/13 91.1kg BMI 37.92 w/h n/a waist n/a 28/8/13 87.0kg BMI 36.21 w/h 65.81 waist 102 cm 29/9/13 84.3kg BMI 35.9 w/h 65.16 waist 101 cm 31/3/13 80.0kg BMI 33.3 w/h 62.58 waist 97 cm female, 62, medical conditions ME, osteoporosis,bipolar Vary fast days but usually monday and thursday. Really please...
by Minigill
30 Oct 2013, 18:48
Forum: The Foodies Corner
Topic: Coriander (cilantro), like or hate?
Replies: 29
Views: 1660
Love both seeds and leaf ! Find it an essential in curries & chillies...

and 101 other recipes it crops up in :)
by gillymary
29 Oct 2013, 22:40
Forum: Fasting with Medical Conditions
Topic: great news from doctors
Replies: 6
Views: 1170
I specifically went to go the other day as my BP was up 160/90 at home after a 5:2 liquid fast day. Just felt a bit weird and checked it. Minded my salt intake then for next 24 hours and when got to Doc my BP iwas weirdly low for me at 101/55. No white coating I was boggled. Doc said could do a holt...
by Juliana.Rivers
28 Oct 2013, 11:49
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 52796
Is it too late to join the Christmas Club? I could just watch vicariously from the posts on here and keep trying to keep on the downward slope if it's too late. Seem to be losing for a couple of weeks, then plateau again but still happy plodding along. It would be wonderful to be under 70 kgs by Xm...
by FatDog
04 Oct 2013, 11:47
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 40876
Wednesday, day one-hundred and one, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 117.8lbs (analogue scales corrected ~116.0lbs); 0.4lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 29.0, w. 26.4, t. 32.0, h. 35.75 inches Why, thank-you V&P vary-fairy - I could not have asked for better today, especially as yesterday's...
by Minsmum
03 Oct 2013, 22:50
Forum: 5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas
Topic: What do we think about olives?
Replies: 70
Views: 3050
I have 101 interesting facts stored in my little brain.

Most of them .... Shall we say enlightening! ;)
by Juliana.Rivers
01 Oct 2013, 09:16
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 52796
This is the official thread for the New Year Club (originally called Christmas club) on 5:2 fastdiet forum. If you are one of the 150 in the club.. say hi in this thread so i can update you in this post number 1 and can get an accurate group total loss. Trying to do a full update by mid Feb so that ...
by FatDog
22 Sep 2013, 23:24
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 40876
Saturday, day ninety, feed day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 120.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~118.00lbs); 0.8lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 29.10, w. 26.60, t. 32.40, h. 36.00 inches Bloomin' heck, I'm speechless really. I'd not believe it except that the loss on the analogue scales looks even bi...
by Nicky_94
12 Sep 2013, 15:24
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Thinking of laying off exercise for a while
Replies: 13
Views: 493
Ah, as one who has layed off of the Jillian videos since mid July I would say DON'T DO IT!!!!! I did initially loose weight (water I guess) then my weight stabalised at the same as it was when I was shreading (normal I was on holiday and not planning on losing weight). The I put on weight (too much ...
by shachat
12 Sep 2013, 14:33
Forum: Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness
Topic: How do you build an exercise habit?
Replies: 28
Views: 1186
Good question. I'd like to make exercise a more regular part of my life - I like how I feel when I exercise and I seem to be one of those who respond well to it in terms of weight loss. You'd think that would be motivation enough but I've been in my role of the Queen of Couch Potatoes for too long, ...
by FatDog
10 Sep 2013, 23:59
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 40876
Monday, day seventy-eight, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 123.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~122.75lbs); 0.2lbs gain ... t.measures - ub. 29.25, w. 26.60, t. 32.90, h. 36.25 inches I was expecting far greater evidence of the weekend's carnage to be visible upon the scales - the V&P v...
by Suneal
04 Sep 2013, 23:21
Forum: Introduce Yourself!
Topic: New and in need of friends to keep me motivated
Replies: 44
Views: 4188
101.7 this morning.So happy. So motivated to keep going :)
by FatDog
31 Aug 2013, 00:18
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 40876
Wednesday, day sixty-six, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 122.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~120.75lbs); 0.2lbs gain ... t.measures - ub. 29.25, w. 26.60, t. 33.10, h. 36.25 inches Some sort of milestone today - that's 50 repair days done since I started 4:3 ... Now for that cauliflower r...
by FatDog
24 Aug 2013, 00:21
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 40876
Wednesday, day fifty-nine, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 123.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~122.75lbs); 0.6lbs gain ... t.measures - ub. 29.25, w. 26.90, t. 33.25, h. 36.25 inches Weight back up as secretly feared / anticipated: a loss of 1.4lbs on a single day was really too much to as...
Search found 117 matches Page 6 of 8


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