The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

Search found 373 matches Page 8 of 15
charts and graphs
by GMH 22 Feb 2015, 22:32 in General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
0   557
Natural Course of Healthy Obesity over 20 years
by SSure 16 Jan 2015, 20:27 in The 5:2 Lab
0   912
Challenging oneself intermittently to improve health
by SSure 10 Jan 2015, 02:30 in The 5:2 Lab
0   832
5:2 in the news again
by chinchin 14 Dec 2014, 23:22 in General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
0   660
Is Obesity a Disease: ABC News site
by Juliana.Rivers 10 Oct 2014, 01:17 in Resources & Links
0   756
by Moogie 10 Sep 2014, 11:09 in Forum & Progress Tracker Help
0   2372
Fasting today, Saturday 19 July
by wasafan 19 Jul 2014, 06:02 in Fasting today?
0   452
Right on target
by Wolfie 26 Jun 2014, 12:36 in Inspirational Weight Loss Stories
0   3357
From fat to fit
by HungerFitness 02 Jun 2014, 07:28 in Inspirational Weight Loss Stories
0   5589
TURP proceedure for prostate ailment
by wonga51 09 May 2014, 10:33 in Non-diet Chat
0   496
New - MFP and IPhone 5S
by carieoates 02 May 2014, 07:22 in Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness
0   671
Search found 373 matches Page 8 of 15


Be healthier. Lose weight. Eat the foods you love, most of the time.

Learn about the 5:2 diet

We've got loads of info about intermittent fasting, written in a way which is easy to understand. Whether you're wondering about side effects or why the scales aren't budging, we've got all you need to know.

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Come along to the FastDay Forum, we're a friendly bunch and happy to answer your fasting questions and offer support. Why not join in one of our regular challenges to help you towards your goal weight?

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Tracking your diet progress is great for staying motivated. Chart your measurements and keep tabs on your daily calorie needs. You can even create a free blog to journal your 5:2 experience!
