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No 29 reporting in 120lbs today, though this week I have been all over the place and this is the highest I've been. We've had Ofsted in and I've been up at crazy hours trying to get an essay written and posted so I've alternated between not having had time to eat and comfort eating chocolates and cheese on toast in a big way (that was yesterday). Next week things will settle down and I am still hoping to dip below 119 before Easter.
#44 reporting in at 132.2 lbs (9st 6.2) this is a number I haven't seen on the scales in living memory :smile:
I set my Valentines target at 133lbs which would get me back to my pre Christmas weight, and didn't make it, so when I set my Easter target at 130lbs (a BMI of 23) it looked very optimistic indeed.
It has been a long plateau since Christmas but I now feel I can get to my final goal and go onto maintenance.
#39 reporting in with...exactly the same weight again! Last weekend was my birthday so again, a very indulgent weekend/week :oops: I have already hit my Easter target so am just aiming to get that last 6lb or so off for maintenance.
Well, I really didn't expect to, but I have exceeded my Easter target before Easter, losing 10.5lbs so far.

I'll have a food-filled lead up to Easter though, so this could well change......
:frown: #77 I seem to have flat lined! :curse:
I need to get my act together, no one to blame but me! :cry:

Congratulations to Bracken :cool:
#54 checking in with a quarter pound loss. Not much, but the right direction.

Skipping breakfast, then out for lunch.

Keep on going fellow fasters.
#64 checking in - weighing in at 132.6 - that's a 1.2 lb loss this week. :smile: Just need to stay below 135 to meet my Easter challenge. Wondering if I'll see 130 by Easter .... 3 weeks

@spanner buddy, how did the week work out for you?
#36b checking in true app this morning is 168.7 that's 1.3lbs down and only 0.7lb until I reach my target weight then need to keep it at that or lower it to achieve my target.
Number 63 checking in I have put on 0.4lbs and am now 173.6. I have been ill all week and haven't fasted so was expecting a larger increase, quite happy with less than half a pound. Thanks candicemarie for the lovely "thought"
#1 checking in; 2lbs under goal at 145lbs (10st 5lbs, 67.55kg), but not been able to 'up' my Fitbit steps.
Oh Penny, it must feel just wonderful to be 2 pound UNDER your goal weight! I can but dream :bugeyes: Well done xx

Bean :starving:
Just a quick question, is Easter Sunday the "official day" for the end of the challenge? I just realised, I am away for two weeks from next Saturday at Jamie's and that takes me up to Easter Sunday and I won't be able to weigh myself so I'll have no idea of my weight
#27 reporting in with another pound lost. :cool:
#80 here stayed the same weight yet again. Really disappointed and frustrated. Struggled yesterday with my fast but succecded threw half my tea away because i was full then to weigh myself and no difference. Guess i'm not going to make my challenge feel a failure .:-(
I finally got round to weighing myself!
Today I weigh 124.8kgs from 128kg Challenge start.
Well off target but still a 3.2kgs loss so far..
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