The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by madferrit
07 Mar 2014, 19:38
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: 1001 Things to Do on a Fast Day Besides Eating
Replies: 49
Views: 1607
105. Paint your nails.
106. Day dream about Hugh Jackmaaaaannnnnnnn........ :razz: mmmmmmm
107. Ooh where was I? Watch Columbo ( my guilty pleasure, other than Hugh Jackman :wink: )
by FatDog
19 Feb 2014, 12:20
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39973
Monday, low-carb day two-hundred and thirty-nine, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 107.0lbs (analogue scales corrected ~105.5lbs); 0lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches Report at the end-of-week 34 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 30.8lbs, ...
by FatDog
17 Feb 2014, 13:22
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39973
Saturday, low-carb day two-hundred and thirty-seven, weekend feed day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 107.2lbs (analogue scales corrected ~105.5lbs); 1.2lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches Report for the end of week 42 on 4.5 : 2.5 - 2.2lb loss this week (total ...
by Jo05
10 Feb 2014, 20:28
Forum: Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness
Topic: The LETS GET ACTIVE "Fast Exercise" Club REBORN
Replies: 494
Views: 19219
... - I managed to put the "Dread Monster" to sleep and did my usual 8s/12s x 60 - HR 158 max (at 15 min mark) - 130 after 5 mins cool down, 105 after 10 mins in the garden in the lovely cool breeze. So pretty much back on track - just remind me not to measure my blood glucose within one ...
by jools7
10 Feb 2014, 02:21
Forum: Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness
Topic: The LETS GET ACTIVE "Fast Exercise" Club REBORN
Replies: 494
Views: 19219
... - I managed to put the "Dread Monster" to sleep and did my usual 8s/12s x 60 - HR 158 max (at 15 min mark) - 130 after 5 mins cool down, 105 after 10 mins in the garden in the lovely cool breeze. So pretty much back on track - just remind me not to measure my blood glucose within one ...
by FatDog
07 Feb 2014, 20:52
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39973
... ......... 100g 25.00 2.00 0.60 2.90 1.70 shiitake mushrooms, medium sliced, co-op, 15c/C0.8/F0.5/P2.2/Fi2.5/100g ......... 105g 15.75 0.84 0.53 2.31 2.63 butter, 720c/C0.6/F80.0/P0.5/Fi0/100g ......... 16g 115.20 0.10 12.80 0.08 0.00 crème fraîche, "healthy choice", ...
by Juliana.Rivers
04 Feb 2014, 04:10
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: CHRISTMAS CLUB 2013 campsite
Replies: 138
Views: 4782
... lost : 0.8 member 74 Maddysee member 75 deewidistuti Weight lost: 1.7kg member 76 spanner Weight lost : 2.7kg - GOAL REACHED 20th December member 77 chris057 ...
by TBrewerton
02 Feb 2014, 00:14
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: Tims ADF Journal
Replies: 59
Views: 5678
... Increase in VO2 Max of 4.6 Diet Related Weight = Start 90.2KG Now 87.8KG Down 2.4KG BMI = Start 29.79 Now 28.87 Down 0.92 Waist = Start 107 CM Now 105 CM Down 2CM Hips (around Butt) = Start 102 CM Now 103 CM Up 1 CM..? Thigh = Start 63 CM Now 61 CM Down 2 CM Neck = Start 40 CM Now 41 CM Up 1 CM..? ...
by Sue.Q
31 Jan 2014, 10:10
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51449
#105 checking in with a disappointing 99*55kg
Yo yo yo yo that's the final but can't remember my start :heart:
by FatDog
07 Jan 2014, 02:10
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39973
... ......... 140g 57.40 13.41 0.35 1.30 3.92 onion, white, co-op, medium sliced, 40c/C7.6/F0.2/P1.3/Fi1.4/100g ......... 105g 42.00 7.98 0.21 1.37 1.47 bell pepper, red, finely sliced, 36c/C6.4/F0.4/P1.0/Fi1.6/100g ......... 92g 33.12 5.89 0.37 0.92 1.47 bell pepper, green, ...
by Sue.Q
06 Jan 2014, 13:59
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51449
:heart: #105 no change on my Friday weigh-in
Will update on Friday after today's fast plus another 2 to try to kick my 1kg gain away :heart:
by chingola
23 Dec 2013, 08:25
Forum: Non-diet Chat
Topic: Teen memories,would you like to revisit those youthful days?
Replies: 16
Views: 625
... results, ( we were tested 3x / year) I wouldn`t have minde if he had added say 10% to everyones scores, even though that would have left me with 105% for maths (mathematically impossible). But instead they wanted to add, say 40% to everyone`s scores.Ridiculous. What was the point? So the mining ...
by BBT053
20 Dec 2013, 18:39
Forum: 5:2 Diet Results: Before & After
Topic: Cast your mind back to a year ago.....
Replies: 45
Views: 5591
A year ago I was in a pretty dark place, having just moved house and registered with a new doctor to find my bp was 160/105. I weighed in at 92.7 kg at the GPs but I'd definitely seen 15st on the scale just before then... I sat at my sister's house saying "I'm going on a diet"... ...
by simcoeluv
15 Dec 2013, 23:24
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Portion Sizes - much less than you think!
Replies: 11
Views: 803
... are so easy to consume and add up so fast. The ones I remember when I'm drinking: Pint Guinness - 210 Pint of IPA - 320 Normal shot whiskey - 105 + mixer (might be just as much as whiskey) Standard glass (if there is such a thing) of red wine - 220 Bottle of red wine - 620 A night at the pub ...
by Sue.Q
14 Dec 2013, 16:33
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51449
:heart: #105 reporting in with my first gain in the 8 months I've been doing this WOL ( except holidays) :shock: 2lbs on :shock: :shock: :shock: Looking as if my xmas goal is off never mind I've had 3 evening meals out in 8 nights ...
Search found 148 matches Page 6 of 10


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