The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by peebles
23 Jan 2015, 23:46
Forum: Benefits & Side Effects
Topic: Does prolonged fasting change us in ways that lead to regain
Replies: 96
Views: 10225
There is a refreshing lack of b-s on this forum, which is one reason I so appreciate it. Most diet forums and blogs are run by people who earn their living selling weight loss dreams and they will eject anyone who questions the fantasy that keeps the money flowing into their coffers. This group here...
by peebles
08 Jan 2015, 17:19
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Diet Fatigue???
Replies: 114
Views: 6667
wildmissus Here's my perspective. I believe, very strongly that the weight you can maintain for five to ten years is your perfect weight, no matter how much better some lower weight might be in theory. And what I have learned through many, many years of dieting, reading research, and being involved...
by peebles
17 Dec 2014, 13:18
Forum: Delighted or Disappointed?
Topic: Stick a fork in me, I'm done - 1 year update
Replies: 54
Views: 3359
Considering how much weight you have lost, your accomplishment in staying near goal is considerable! Maintenance is always harder than losing, and the more you have lost, the tougher it can be. No one wants to hear that maintenance requires the same diet as you ate losing the last few pounds, but th...
by Juliana.Rivers
16 Dec 2014, 23:53
Forum: Non-diet Chat
Topic: What lifts you up/destresses you at this hectic time of year
Replies: 20
Views: 747
Distresses.. shocking events like a beautiful man Tori Johnson (Manager of the Lindt shop where the tragedy occurred who tried to save himself and the others) and an equally beautiful barrister and mum, Katrina Dawson dying unnecessarily in the hands of a madman at this time of year. The look on her...
by judithn
07 Dec 2014, 18:45
Forum: Fasting today?
Topic: Fasting today, Sunday Dec.7
Replies: 4
Views: 104
Hi Lizbean , after the excitement of reaching my ultimate (and Christmas) goal a week ago, I was not really following any regimen last week and today I have put on 4 lb. :cry: I also added alcohol back into the mix after a sober November. I realize I need to find the "sweet spot" of a main...
by nznicole
22 Oct 2014, 23:09
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30622
Doing the usual up and down on the scale: start 145, end of week 2 down to 143, back up up to 147, back down to 145, yesterday, October 22nd, at 142 lbs. None of those weights are immediately following a fast day. I never count post fast weight :) but generally seems to be moving down, exercise is d...
by peebles
23 Sep 2014, 16:40
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Insight into Realistic Weight Loss Goals
Replies: 3
Views: 343
I've been using P-JK 's calculator for quite a while, but I find that the only way I can get it to match my actual weight loss is to increase the physical activity constant a bit more every month, even though I am, if anything, decreasing my physical activity. (Several severe deteriorated discs in n...
by peebles
11 Sep 2014, 00:40
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30622
Hi, All! My goal for this period is to keep fasting two days a week and to give up obsessing about the scale. I am thinking I am going to give up weighing daily, and will instead weigh only for seven days at the end of each month. This will give me a Libra trend weight but stop the daily obesssing a...
by Juliana.Rivers
10 Sep 2014, 13:46
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30622
Welcome to the official Christmas 2014 challenge thread... this is where you register and post your results. The challenge is officially completed and if you do need some time for a final weigh in feel free to update us when you are ready. Well done to the 15 that made it.. MEMBERS WHO HAVE MADE TA...
by peebles
01 Sep 2014, 14:31
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: The Official SPRINGing into FALL Challenge - 2 days left!!
Replies: 609
Views: 16041
#25 checking in. I finally lost some weight on the day I post to the tracker! It's been a while, with lots of bouncing around. But I was 139.0 lbs today, and that was after 3 days of not fasting. So that's exciting. I am not likely to get anywhere near my challenge goal, as we will be visiting my so...
by carieoates
17 Aug 2014, 16:18
Forum: Fastonbury Glamping Grounds
Topic: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
Replies: 2208
Views: 52415
£145, that's loads a dosh. Obviously the in thing. How much did you pay for it though? If not too personal a question :oops: Been to a garden center, bought candles, orchid food, had a coffee and banoffee pie. Will be fed again soon. Looking forward to fast tomorrow during the drive home. Will be ex...
by nursebean
17 Aug 2014, 15:09
Forum: Fastonbury Glamping Grounds
Topic: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
Replies: 2208
Views: 52415
£145.99 for little Guardian of the Galaxy characters! Pretty pleased with that, thats for sure. I could lay in a cloudy, fluffy mass of Angel Delight and stay there ALL DAY! Just walked the girls. I really don't know how I made it...but made it I did. Now I'm just waiting for the bod to pay me :frown:
by peebles
07 Aug 2014, 13:30
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: What Made You Regain After Successful Fasting Weight Loss?
Replies: 140
Views: 4755
Manderley , There may well be a psychological factor at work here, but what makes me disinclined to believe that is that my relationship with food was quite healthy for the past decade. My weight regain had a lot to do with developing an esophageal infection a year ago that made me have to stop a m...
by peebles
07 Aug 2014, 05:11
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: What Made You Regain After Successful Fasting Weight Loss?
Replies: 140
Views: 4755
I'm really appreciating the candor and honesty of everyone posting here. Everything I've read and all the years I've spent involved with online diet communities tells me that what you are describing is normal. The people who maintain for years without huge struggles are extremely rare. But they are ...
by scubachick
30 Jul 2014, 07:06
Forum: Fasting today?
Topic: fasting today, Wednesday 30th July
Replies: 8
Views: 193
Calling all Wednesday Fasters, come in Wednesday fasters! Where are the Antipodeans and Land of Rising Suners? Are ye not here yet? Europeans, get up! Its time to fast. :grin: See you in a while Americans/ Canadians! Wasafan , were you out with the bins again? Loversghost and egregious , hope you ha...
Search found 118 matches Page 4 of 8


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