The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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Girls in your city - Live Women
by Fleurrose 06 Aug 2024, 07:17 in General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
0   600
by caramiamy 01 Aug 2024, 13:42 in Introduce Yourself!
0   203
2nd Timer - back again
by Carmen W 09 Jun 2024, 16:43 in Introduce Yourself!
0   249
Michael Mosley Missing in Greece :(
by Moogie 07 Jun 2024, 14:06 in
0   510
by glenndac 22 Feb 2024, 19:53 in Introduce Yourself!
0   158
Hello, new to 5:2
by pjlcs7 07 Nov 2022, 19:23 in Introduce Yourself!
0   63
by oliviaf 06 Sep 2022, 08:54 in Introduce Yourself!
0   70
New to the forum
by Allicie 22 Aug 2022, 03:08 in Introduce Yourself!
0   68
by Angel-Jan 01 Jan 2022, 12:52 in Introduce Yourself!
0   59
Starting this weeK
by Tots 30 Aug 2021, 04:33 in Introduce Yourself!
0   68
Hi- where is everybody?
by Dinahh03 13 Jul 2021, 00:28 in Introduce Yourself!
0   57
So, this is the start
by excelitor 10 Apr 2021, 06:35 in Introduce Yourself!
0   71
Put on 5 kg during COVID lockdown
by ritatam 28 Mar 2021, 21:49 in Introduce Yourself!
0   72
by Buoyant 14 Feb 2021, 00:30 in Introduce Yourself!
0   56
Hi, I'm new here.
by Kate28 15 Jan 2021, 16:48 in Introduce Yourself!
0   65
by Omegadarling 18 Dec 2020, 15:03 in Introduce Yourself!
0   52
by Jojoeg 14 Dec 2020, 23:03 in Introduce Yourself!
0   62
New member
by Gyanfrenk63 19 Nov 2020, 22:17 in Introduce Yourself!
0   60
Hej I’m a Newbie
by Kalle1402 27 Oct 2020, 15:37 in Introduce Yourself!
0   65
Search found 377 matches Page 1 of 16


Be healthier. Lose weight. Eat the foods you love, most of the time.

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We've got loads of info about intermittent fasting, written in a way which is easy to understand. Whether you're wondering about side effects or why the scales aren't budging, we've got all you need to know.

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