The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by cblasz
25 Jan 2018, 11:53
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: My Daily Stats, Trials and Triumphs
Replies: 267
Views: 17934
Weds Jan 24 Weight: 170.6 :smile: Eating Window: 12:15-7:15 :smile: Calories: 1304 :neutral: Net Carbs: 105 :neutral: Water/tea: 6 :neutral: Steps: 8698 :neutral: Other Exercise: none :frown: Average day, not fabulous, but ok. Scale was down again. Hope I don't screw it up ...
by cblasz
14 Aug 2017, 19:58
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: End of Summer/Winter Challenge! Sept 4!!!! :-P
Replies: 81
Views: 7167
Wow @Tracieknits!! Look how far you have come with adopting a low carb diet. So far that you are calling 105 g of carbs a carb fest!!!! :grin: Good for you! I hope it pays off when you do finally jump on the scale!!
by Fat_Teacher
01 May 2017, 21:27
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: June Solstice/4th of July Challenge
Replies: 203
Views: 11482
Week 2 Results End of Week 2 on my trip to the Winter Solstice and the weight is in: 105.7kg. That means I have lost an incredible 0 kg ... hang on a sec while I convert it from the metric ... I have lost an incredible 0 lbs since last week. Talk about nothing lost, ...
by Fat_Teacher
25 Apr 2017, 00:01
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: June Solstice/4th of July Challenge
Replies: 203
Views: 11482
Yay. End of Week 1 on the challenge and I am down to a new record low: 105.7kg (233 lbs)(This means a loss of 1.2kg or 2.65lbs since last Tuesday). This is my lowest weight since May last year!
by CandiceMarie
12 Jul 2016, 16:34
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: Hazelnut's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet musings...
Replies: 713
Views: 30021
... Cream filled/chocolate biscuits 6 Cakestyle muffin 115 g (1 large or 2 medium) Pancakes 150 g (2 medium) Scones 125 g (3 medium) Iced fruit bun 105 g (1.5) Croissant 149 g (1.5 large or 2 medium) Rice, boiled 180g (1 cup) Pasta or noodles, boiled 200 g (1.3 cups) Canned spaghetti 440 g (large ...
by Ana56
01 Jul 2016, 17:07
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: New challenge,,,,, who's with me????
Replies: 286
Views: 12197
Brazil!!!! Challenge
WEIGHT: 105.0kg BUST: 99.0cm WAIST: 93.0cm
HIPS: 123.0cm NECK: 33.0cm
WEIGHT: 231.5lbs BUST: 39.0in WAIST: 36.6in
HIPS: 48.4in NECK: 13.0in
Hugs to all
by Mandy;o)
06 Nov 2015, 09:34
Forum: Introduce Yourself!
Topic: All new, looking for a buddy who is also just starting out
Replies: 5
Views: 280
... opinions. Breakfast (250 calories approx) 35g Oats 100g Fat Free Yoghurt 100ml Almond Milk 100g Fruit (usually Blackberries/Blueberries) Lunch (105 calories) 300 ml Almond Milk 1 banana Dinner (105 calories) 300 ml Almond Milk 1 apple 65 calories Bed time Drink (40 calories) 300 ml Almond Milk ...
by tkinsley
18 Oct 2015, 16:07
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS 2015 CHALLENGE - Progress report updates
Replies: 303
Views: 12680
... Performance isn't suffering, either. I check a fasting glucose every now and again; before I started 5:2 my glucose was running high for me at 105-115 in the AM; on the morning after fast days, it's 89-92. I like those numbers much better. Thank goodness I DON'T need to make weight for this ...
by Juliana.Rivers
13 Sep 2015, 09:03
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: Christmas Challenge for 2015.. who wants to host?
Replies: 13
Views: 1175
... lost : 0.8 member 74 Maddysee member 75 deewidistuti Weight lost: 1.7kg member 76 spanner Weight lost : 2.7kg - GOAL REACHED 20th December member 77 chris057 ...
by RedRobin
15 Jun 2015, 14:58
Forum: Non-diet Chat
Topic: New beginnings
Replies: 139
Views: 10840
Just a sudden thought I had .. would you be able to rent out your parents house and make some money that way ?
105 euros is not very much to try and live on .. and feed all the animals :-(
by Manderley
15 Jun 2015, 14:26
Forum: Non-diet Chat
Topic: New beginnings
Replies: 139
Views: 10840
Thank you all for your support :heart: RedRobin Money is definitely an issue as I have 105 £ to live by (and it includes food, clothes and petrol) each month, it's pretty tight. I will do some volonteer in the future but I have to deal with the cleaning up the house ...
by SSure
05 May 2015, 07:52
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining May 2015
Replies: 44
Views: 2983
... as I didn't want to adjust my eating schedule or typical eating routines. I've been mostly around 100lbs until last Thursday when I weighed-in at 105 lbs, with an additional few friends bringing it higher and just within the top of my range by Saturday. No off-plan eating, no nothing, - just my ...
by SSure
03 Apr 2015, 08:09
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining: April 2015
Replies: 66
Views: 4259
... intervention. March 1: 107.8lbs March 31: 101.8lbs And today I'm 102lbs, so my current weight is a little below my preferred maintenance range of 105-110lbs but I'm fairly sure it's fluid shifts that will correct themselves and I'd rather continue my watchful waiting than interfere with my present ...
by SSure
03 Apr 2015, 08:06
Forum: Monthly Weigh-Ins
Topic: March 2015 weigh-in
Replies: 13
Views: 2710
... physiotherapy I'm working with at present, so... March 1: 107.8lbs March 31: 101.8lbs My current weight is below my preferred maintenance range of 105-110lbs but I'm fairly sure it's fluid shifts that will correct themselves and I'd rather continue my watchful waiting than interfere with my present ...
by SSure
28 Mar 2015, 08:46
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining: March 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 3721
... temporary) effect and an interesting example of fluid shifts, I have to report that I've dropped below the bottom of my maintenance range (105-110lbs) to a current low of approx. 100lbs. I expect this to right itself back towards the maintenance range over the next couple of weeks... As ...
Search found 148 matches Page 1 of 10


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