The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by Juliana.Rivers
04 Feb 2014, 04:10
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: CHRISTMAS CLUB 2013 campsite
Replies: 138
Views: 4782
thanks lil and Auriga for submitting your final weigh in for XMAS CLUB YESTERDAY 11 days to go! are you in the following if so i will hunt you down. (kidding :grin: but submit your final weigh in anyway.. even if youve already done it in december or jan. just so i have the right final figure with ea...
by TBrewerton
02 Feb 2014, 00:14
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: Tims ADF Journal
Replies: 59
Views: 5678
Time for a bit of an update I think. I get so caught up in all these tents that I forget where what is recorded haha Exercise Related Resting Heart Rate = Start 74 bpm Now 66 bpm!! Down 8 bpm Max Heart Rate = 186 (just for reference in measuring VO2 max) VO2 Max = Start 38.5 (fair for age) Now 43.1 ...
by Wendy Darling
18 Jan 2014, 15:19
Forum: Non-diet Chat
Topic: Chatterbox Anwyl
Replies: 2004
Views: 40572
Gosh, yes things do move quickly here. I still have some pm's to reply to and some thanks to give on my back of the net thread. I must seem very rude. Lots of catching up to do. ballerina Facebook and twitter save time because you can find out what everyone's up to without going to the trouble of as...
by FatDog
10 Jan 2014, 19:47
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39972
Wednesday, low-carb day one-hundred and ninety-nine, repair day until 18:00hrs, ad lib for OH's birthday thereafter Weigh-in at start of day wt. 111.6lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.5lbs); 0.2lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 28.5, w. 25.5, t. 30.25, h. 34.25 inches Groan. And it's OH's birthday to...
by FatDog
11 Dec 2013, 13:03
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39972
Monday, low-carb day one-hundred and sixty-nine, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 112.4lbs (analogue scales corrected ~108.75lbs); 0.6lbs gain ... t.measures - ub. 28.7, w. 25.6, t. 30.5, h. 34.5 inches Report at the end-of-week 24 of low-carb : total low-carb weight loss 25.4lbs, and last w...
by suzed
02 Dec 2013, 00:04
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51448
Christmas club member 103 checking in... I joined the Christmas club at the end of October at 68.9kg. I'm currently 67.5kg. I'd been aiming for 66 by Christmas, but it's slower going than I'd hoped so far, so who knows if I'll make it. I'm still pleased that the numbers are going in the right direct...
by bebesimcho
20 Nov 2013, 23:34
Forum: Introduce Yourself!
Topic: getting rid of mid body flab
Replies: 9
Views: 531
hi i am a male in mid fifties started on aug 19 2013 with 5:2 after reading article in paper. also am doing the canadian 5bx excercises at same time. started at 119.9kg and am down to 103.3 after 3 months - 16.6kg! only problem is my stomach flab which does not seem to be shifting as much as i would...
by Juliana.Rivers
03 Nov 2013, 03:56
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51448
... last check in comments from everyone, may have overlapped a bit Fleurlouise #102 yes keep aiming high (or low) depending how you look at it suzed #103 glad you can join angie090465 #49 tht magic 8 will happen soon. dcsb #92 whoo hooo nearly 1/2 kg .. great work otter #23 as i think i said before.. ...
by Juliana.Rivers
30 Oct 2013, 04:23
Forum: Resources & Links
Topic: More contraversy re Catalyst program on Statin drugs...
Replies: 47
Views: 3771
I heard the Richard Glover interview. It's always controversial to go against what has been considered the right advice for many years. But if we never question then we never learn new things. Should be an interesting show on Thursday. i love your signature with the Christmas club member number.. w...
by Juliana.Rivers
29 Oct 2013, 14:03
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51448
Thanks, this is great and I'd love to join. I finally got under 70kg for the first time in 6 years this September. I'm currently 68.9 and would love to reach 66 by Christmas. My long term goal is 60kg. Good luck everyone! Suzed .. come along for the ride to weight loss freedom! you are member 103 6...
by FatDog
04 Oct 2013, 23:41
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39972
Friday, day one-hundred and three, repair day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 118.2lbs (analogue scales corrected ~116.0lbs); 0.2lbs gain .... t.measures - ub. 29.0, w. 26.4, t. 32.0, h. 35.75 inches Humph, was my Tuesday's deviation *so* naughty? Guess it must have been. Just as long as it's all sort...
by Juliana.Rivers
01 Oct 2013, 09:16
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: Christmas 2013 club update
Replies: 1653
Views: 51448
This is the official thread for the New Year Club (originally called Christmas club) on 5:2 fastdiet forum. If you are one of the 150 in the club.. say hi in this thread so i can update you in this post number 1 and can get an accurate group total loss. Trying to do a full update by mid Feb so that ...
by mgmlap
24 Sep 2013, 02:36
Forum: Introduce Yourself!
Topic: Newbie here..
Replies: 10
Views: 144
hey name is Marlene. Today was day 1 of me starting this new way of eating. I am currently 145...and looking to have my goal weight between 103-135. I am 45 years old and also suffer from PCOS, hypothyroid, insulin resistance and adrenal fatigue. I have dropped 3o pound from my highest wei...
by BBT053
19 Sep 2013, 14:10
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: For Those Successful on 5:2. Is TDEE Really Necessary?
Replies: 29
Views: 709
I have no clue how many calories I eat most days as I don't count really ever. Not really even on fast days, I do have an idea what meals would be and don't cheat. I started my counting on fast days but only to get an idea. I do eat less possibly every other day too as I know when I'm full now and d...
by FatDog
16 Sep 2013, 14:22
Forum: Progress Diaries & Journals
Topic: 5:2 and the low-carb vegetarian...
Replies: 662
Views: 39972
Saturday, day eighty-three, feed day Weigh-in at start of day wt. 122.2lbs (analogue scales corrected ~120.65lbs); 0.6lbs loss ... t.measures - ub. 29.10, w. 26.60, t. 32.40, h. 36.00 inches End of week 20 on the 4:3 WoE and I'm back down 1.0lbs from last week. Stomach reduced by about half an inch...
Search found 46 matches Page 2 of 4


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