The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

Search found 373 matches Page 14 of 15
New to forum
by Sopisue 27 Mar 2013, 12:51 in Introduce Yourself!
0   314
My testimonal
by Madeyemoodysmum 21 Mar 2013, 12:27 in Inspirational Weight Loss Stories
0   2124
Moderators Wanted!
by Moogie 14 Mar 2013, 17:56 in Forum News & Announcements
0   954
New forum/topic icons
by Moogie 13 Mar 2013, 10:57 in Forum News & Announcements
0   812
Another newbie
by Moogie 11 Mar 2013, 12:46 in Introduce Yourself!
0   314
Progress tracker - thanks.
by BBT053 07 Mar 2013, 11:34 in General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
0   470
Mike Mosley hits the US - ABC report
by Breadandwine 02 Mar 2013, 23:16 in Resources & Links
0   658
"Pond Weed Soup" - 76 cal
by helensdc 02 Mar 2013, 18:26 in 5:2 Diet Recipes
0   701
Vegan low cal dressing
by michele 02 Mar 2013, 14:41 in 5:2 Diet Recipes
0   560
Some useful fast day recipes
by ontherazzle 02 Mar 2013, 14:20 in Resources & Links
0   833
Morning all
by Bobshouse 02 Mar 2013, 08:15 in Non-diet Chat
0   457
How to Embed a YouTube Video
by Jemima 23 Feb 2013, 15:31 in Forum & Progress Tracker Help
0   3079
Bee's Progress
by Bee 23 Feb 2013, 12:45 in Progress Diaries & Journals
0   432
Cholesterol & weight reduced
by Gonewest 19 Feb 2013, 19:04 in Inspirational Weight Loss Stories
0   1503
Progress report
by Gonewest 19 Feb 2013, 17:46 in Progress Diaries & Journals
0   353
Alternative BMR calculations
by PhilT 18 Feb 2013, 09:11 in Resources & Links
0   652
Recipe books
by precilla55 18 Feb 2013, 08:27 in 5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas
0   615
Food cravings with different types of diet
by carorees 13 Feb 2013, 18:06 in The 5:2 Lab
0   717
Quick'n'Dirty Latte
by falconcy 13 Feb 2013, 05:37 in 5:2 Diet Recipes
0   730
Search found 373 matches Page 14 of 15


Be healthier. Lose weight. Eat the foods you love, most of the time.

Learn about the 5:2 diet

We've got loads of info about intermittent fasting, written in a way which is easy to understand. Whether you're wondering about side effects or why the scales aren't budging, we've got all you need to know.

Your intermittent fasting questions answered ASK QUESTIONS & GET SUPPORT
Come along to the FastDay Forum, we're a friendly bunch and happy to answer your fasting questions and offer support. Why not join in one of our regular challenges to help you towards your goal weight?

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Tracking your diet progress is great for staying motivated. Chart your measurements and keep tabs on your daily calorie needs. You can even create a free blog to journal your 5:2 experience!
